
I guess that you were using Foxglove Studio, right?

In the launch files that you provide within the depthai_ros_driver package, is there any of them publishing the pointcloud as a list of points (Pointcloud2), instead that as RGB + Depth images?



    Hi @AlessandroB, one of those tools is RQT which is common ROS tool, and the pointcloud one is from RTABMap's visualization tool. You can visualize pointclouds and other data via Rviz similarly (just a note that you will probably need to change QoS to Best Effort in pointcloud panel.

    6 days later

    Hi @Luxonis-Adam ,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    First of all, thank you for the answer.

    I have this problem: I run rgbd_pcl.launch.py and I try to subcribe the topic /oak/points (as PointCloud2) in rviz2. In the GUI I don't get any evident error, but I don't see any points.

    Instead, in the terminal I get this warning log:

    [WARN] [1737539431.083121292] [rviz]: New publisher discovered on topic '/oak/points', offering incompatible QoS. No messages will be sent to it. Last incompatible policy: RELIABILITY_QOS_POLICY

    What can I do to correctly subscribe the topic?



    Hi, in Rviz panel you need to set Pointcloud data Reliability Policy to Best Effort, as in screenshot

      Hi Luxonis-Adam ,

      I did it, but still I don't get any points. I see that you were able to set Position Transformer and Color Transformer, in my Rviz the rekated drop-down menus are empty and nothing can be selected. Do you know a possible cause?

      Many thanks!

      Hi, you probably need to change Fixed frame to one of existing frames (either one from OAK driver or the one from your robot if you are attaching the camera to it)

        Hi Luxonis-Adam ,

        It seems to me that nothing is actually published in /oak/points. I'm listening from terminal with ros2 topic echo/hz and nothing shows up.

        Hi, it seems that there might be a small change needed please try running ros2 launch depthai_ros_driver rgbd_pcl.launch.py rectify_rgb:=true You can also run camera.launch.py pointcloud.enable:=true