Hello, I am attempting to use my OAK-FFC-3P for the first time (Mac Catalina 10.15.7). I can't seem to get the depthAPI to recognize my cameras. I have tried with both a set of Arducam IMX477s and AR0234's and neither appear to be recognized.
When I run the hello_word script I get the following error message:
Also, when I run this script to identify the connected cameras, none are detected:
import cv2
import depthai
pipeline = depthai.Pipeline()
with depthai.Device(pipeline) as device:
print('USB speed:',device.getUsbSpeed())
print('Connected cameras:',device.getConnectedCameras())
[18443010411B1CF500] [5.059] [system] [warning] Calibration Data on device is empty
MxId: 18443010411B1CF500
USB speed: UsbSpeed.SUPER
Connected cameras: []
I think the connections look good, and I have tried several times reattaching the cables, but it didn't fix the problem.
I am probably doing something wrong, but I am not sure what else to try.