ChobitsTai On a recently boughted OAK-D Lite, getCameraToImuExtrinsics() exit with std::runtime_error and a message "IMU calibration data is not available on device yet.". I can get IMU acc & gyro data.
jakaskerl ChobitsTai Make sure you use the latest depthai version. It's also possible your device does not have an IMU (if it's from an older batch). We will replace the device in that case. Could you open the device and check? Thanks, Jaka
ChobitsTai jakaskerl Thank you for replying Make sure you use the latest depthai version. Yes t's also possible your device does not have an IMU My device do have an IMU (BMI270). I can read IMU data. By the way. I just saw luxonis/depthai-coreissues/155. Maybe it is related?
jakaskerl ChobitsTai OK good. Add the imu extrinsics from here luxonis/depthai-boardsblob/main/boards/OAK-D-LITE.json to the calibration and flash it to the device. Thanks, Jaka
ChobitsTai jakaskerl Add the imu extrinsics from here luxonis/depthai-boardsblob/main/boards/OAK-D-LITE.json to the calibration and flash it to the device. Did you mean use flashCalibration2() to flash OAK-D-Lite.json to the device or use readCalibration2() to read current calibration data, and add imu extrinsics, then flash it Thank you very much
jakaskerl ChobitsTai use readCalibration2() to read current calibration data, and add imu extrinsics, then load the calibration first to make sure it works before flashing it. Thanks, Jaka