Hey everyone, I'm experiencing significant jitter when capturing IMU data on my OAK-D.
I followed this GitHub issue in an attempt to resolve the problem: https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-python/issues/774. I've also comment on the issue as well.
I ran Python script provided by @Gomzinator (with default values - 200hz IMU) and noted that some deltas were as large as 8 ms (jitter is definitely large).
I went on to check and update the firmware on my OAK-D. Current firmware was 3.9.7 and it was successfully updated to 3.9.9. After rerunning the script, this did not alleviate the issue.
I also checked the DepthAI version installed on my system, it was 2.27. I updated to version 2.28. After rerunning the script, this still did not alleviate the issue.
Trying on different USB ports on my system still hasn't resulted in a change.
I noticed my RAM usage to be unusually high so I decided to restart my PC and rerun the script ~ still no change.
Decided to checkout and install the development branch of DepthAI ~ still experiencing the issue.
Attached is a scatter-plot showcasing my deltas: