We tried to take some images in a greenhouse environment today, but saw that multiple of the oak cameras which use the OV9782 sensor had a purple glare over the rgb image.
We used 2 oak-d-pro cameras with the same pipeline, aimed at the same position, where one output had the glare, and the other was perfectly fine.
We also tested the Oak-d SR ToF, where both rgb sensors had this purple glare.
In normal outdoor or office conditions it looks fine, but deeper into the greenhouse the effect got worse.
It is also not a uniform distributed issue as it gets pinker more towards the edges, and less of a problem in the center of the image. Based on other forumposts, we have the idea that there is something wrong with the IR filtering (or perhaps uv light?). We tried to set the exposure time in different ranges, but this did not effect the glare at all. Any idea what is going on or how to tackle this?