Some progress in that I confirmed my Oak-D has no IMU and I can use a ROS command line parameter to force a camera.i_enable_imu: false i.e. no_imu state
ubuntu@rp4-ub22h-mt:~/depthai-python/examples/IMU$ python3
IMU type: NONE, firmware version: 0.0.0
ubuntu@rp4-ub22h-mt:~/depthai-python/examples/IMU$ python3
IMU type: NONE, firmware version: 0.0.0, embedded firmware version: 0.0.0
Warning! Flashing IMU firmware can potentially soft brick your device and should be done with caution.
Do not unplug your device while the IMU firmware is flashing.
Type 'y' and press enter to proceed, otherwise exits:
IMU FW update status: 0.0%
IMU FW update status: 0.0%
Firmware update failed!
However, I with the Luxonis Developer Alexander advice , I was successfully in running :
ros2 launch depthai_ros_driver model:=OAK-D-LITE paramsfile:=/home/ubuntu/Desktop/no_imu.yaml which publishes a bunch of image topics
no_imu.yaml is
i_enable_imu: false
i_enable_ir: false
Though the ros2 launch depthai_examples camera_model:=OAK-D-LITE enableRviz:=False params_file:=/home/ubuntu/Desktop/no_imu.yaml
still throws an error even using the no_imn.yaml file ;(
So I added to my Issue #495 for "Alexander" to answer.