NikitaSokovnin Awesome thanks for the update.
Support for V10
Hello all,
Just wondering on progress for v10 availability.
Hi @ChrisCoutureDelValle
It will be ready EOW, but we are still waiting for Ultralytics to add support.
jakaskerl Hi, I know it was mentioned v10 would be ready by EOW last week, any updates?
Hi @ChrisCoutureDelValle
It's implemented in depthai and should work. The tools conversion has been merged to master branch of luxonis/tools, but has not been deployed yet because we are trying to optimize the IOU part. But in theory, it should work.
jakaskerl Thanks for the response, makes sense. Is the IOU suboptimal for deployment/should I just wait for the official release on
Hi @ChrisCoutureDelValle
Yes, best to wait. It turns out that the new architecture actually runs slower on device, due to the operations used, which can't be optimized for the MX.
So the V10n is about 25% slower than V8n on the same resolution.
Hi @SamiUddin
What am I looking at exactly?
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Hi guys,
well, the 25% speed performance loss on yolo v10 vs v8 on RVC2 is surprising.
When saying "runs slower on device, due to the operations used, which can't be optimized for the MX."
=> could you explain and provide details on the operation that are problematic ? Maybe one can try to find alternatives.
Hi @alexandrebenoit
I wasn't directly involved with the deploy of yolov10 on RVC2, but as far as I understand:
The entire architecture (both head, and middle) uses element-wise operations, which can't be optimized for the RVC2. No significant reparametrization tricks (like .fuse()) are available to mitigate the issue.
416x416 - 24FPS, 41ms latency
640x640 - 12FPS, 86ms latency
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Well, it would be nice if you could share :
- the list of problematic yolov10 element-wise operations that are not supported by RVC2
- the list of all available ops that the RVC2 can perform (a synthetic datasheet)
For example, if the Pixel-Adaptive Convolutions (PAC) operator is applicable for RVC2, then element-wise products could be replaced by PAC with some specific setup and so on (not as efficient as the base element-wise product on standard processors but this could compensate in some setups, maybe RVC2).
Hey, we didn't do a deep dive into slow operations to point out where exactly the issue lies. Based on experience, I would say it's slow because of:
- A lot of splitting, slicing, and concatenations.
- SiLU - you can see there are a lot of "branch-outs" due to SiLU activation. Comparing this with YoloV6 which uses ReLU and reparametrization trick like in RepVGGs, you can see V8 or similar is slower.
- MHSA module definitely doesn't help and is likely the "cherry on top".
You can see the ONNX file we use here for reference. Feel free to compile this to blob and benchmark it. If you want to dive into optimization a bit yourself you can use this as the baseline.
If you want per-op performance, OpenVINO provides also a benchmark app that can return per-layer latencies. Note that we are more focused on releasing this rather than optimizing, given that the gain for nano version is 1% mAP compared to V6.
To add, this seems to hold also on other HW (see relevant issue here). While paper optimizes for computational cost and parameter count, those do not always strongly correlate with the throughput and latency - typically, certain well-known operations might have more ops/params, but can execute faster.
Yes, indeed, this is then mostly related to data exchange bottlenecks and some complex functions such as Silu.
Then, next steps could be Yolov10 engineering to adapt to hardware or on the research side to look for v11 ;o)
In this community, who would be interested in a given direction for collab ?
- Best Answerset by jakaskerl
Hi all,
A new version of DepthAI tools with support for YOLOv10 export is deployed. Decoding on the device can be tested using this script.
thanks !
Well, regarding the provided online tools, is there any up to date standardized performance comparison table on a single or multiple Luxonis products ?
I saw some tables in the doc but it would be great if the update datetime and maybe model version could be provided.
Hi alexandrebenoit
Which tables do you have in mind exactly?
Hi, this one:
Maybe model version, hardware firmware version and timestamp could be added but i know this is boring to maintain while it allows the user to rapidly get a confident information to help choose the right model.
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Hi Team,
Just a quick follow up, what do I need to change here? Last used this for v7.
_URL = "" #"" _OUTPUT_FILE_NAME = "" _FRACTIONS = { "none": 0, "read": 0.1, "initialized": 0.3, "onnx": 0.5, "openvino": 0.65, "blob": 0.8, "json": 0.9, "zip": 1 }
`def convert_yolo(file_path: str, shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 416, version: Literal["v10"] = "v10"):
files = {'file': open(file_path, 'rb')}
values = {
'inputshape': shape if isinstance(shape, int) else " ".join(map(str, shape)),
'version': version,
'id': uuid4()
file_name = _OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
url = f"{_URL}/upload"
# progress bar
proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=get_progress, args=(str(values["id"]),))
# upload files
session = requests.Session()
with, files=files, data=values, stream=True) as r:
print(f"Conversion complete. Downloading...")
with open(file_name, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
# If you have chunk encoded response uncomment if
# and set chunk_size parameter to None.
# if chunk:
return file_name`
HTTP error occurred: 520 Server Error: UNKNOWN for url: