I'd like to use Yolov5 with on device decoding. I used these files: https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-experiments/tree/master/gen2-yolo/device-decoding . I downloaded a .blob file for yolov5s, with default weights provided by the YoloV5 repo, by following this notebook https://colab.research.google.com/github/luxonis/depthai-ml-training/blob/master/colab-notebooks/YoloV5_training.ipynb .
However, I obtain bad detection results with the main.py
file and default yolov5.json
files from the gen2-yolo repo. Here's an example on car detections:
This problem reminds me this one: https://discuss.luxonis.com/d/134-yolo-v4-implementation-problem but I did not figure out how to solve it.
Thank you,