erik If you don't want to stream frames to the host computer, just remove the XLinkOut from the pipeline (and link to it)
Sounded easy, but I knew it was going to require understanding more than I had at the time.
- Raspberry Pi 3B+ average load decreased from 100% to 2%
- Oak-D-Lite object with depth processing rate increased from 12FPS to 30FPS
- Processor Temperature "Load" decreased from 20degC to 2degC for unaspirated heatsink staying well below the soft temperature limit
- Oak-D-Lite adds 4.5 watt load during operation to the robot's 6W basic load
(27WHr safely available from battery)
Created two versions:
1) Optional Display of image, annotated objects, and depth map
2) Console only version showing minimum code needed for results only programming
The optional display version will allow my robot the best performance, and still allow humans to see through the robot's eyes but only when asked.
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