I am using the following code for depth calculation...
I want to know FOV and resolution of the output window of this code
please also tell me what FOV and resolution should I set for RGB, in order to show the same FOV as the depth cameras are outputting in the following code!

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import cv2
import depthai as dai

stepSize = 0.05

newConfig = False

# Create pipeline
pipeline = dai.Pipeline()

# Define sources and outputs
monoLeft = pipeline.create(dai.node.MonoCamera)
monoRight = pipeline.create(dai.node.MonoCamera)
stereo = pipeline.create(dai.node.StereoDepth)
spatialLocationCalculator = pipeline.create(dai.node.SpatialLocationCalculator)

xoutDepth = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
xoutSpatialData = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
xinSpatialCalcConfig = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkIn)


# Properties

lrcheck = False
subpixel = False


# Config
topLeft = dai.Point2f(0.45, 0.45)
bottomRight = dai.Point2f(0.5, 0.5)

config = dai.SpatialLocationCalculatorConfigData()
config.depthThresholds.lowerThreshold = 100
config.depthThresholds.upperThreshold = 10000
config.roi = dai.Rect(topLeft, bottomRight)


# Linking



# Connect to device and start pipeline
with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:

    # Output queue will be used to get the depth frames from the outputs defined above
    depthQueue = device.getOutputQueue(name="depth", maxSize=4, blocking=False)
    spatialCalcQueue = device.getOutputQueue(name="spatialData", maxSize=4, blocking=False)
    spatialCalcConfigInQueue = device.getInputQueue("spatialCalcConfig")

    color = (255, 255, 255)

    print("Use WASD keys to move ROI!")

    while True:
        inDepth = depthQueue.get() # Blocking call, will wait until a new data has arrived

        depthFrame = inDepth.getFrame()
        depthFrameColor = cv2.normalize(depthFrame, None, 255, 0, cv2.NORM_INF, cv2.CV_8UC1)
        depthFrameColor = cv2.equalizeHist(depthFrameColor)
        depthFrameColor = cv2.applyColorMap(depthFrameColor, cv2.COLORMAP_HOT)

        spatialData = spatialCalcQueue.get().getSpatialLocations()
        for depthData in spatialData:
            roi = depthData.config.roi
            roi = roi.denormalize(width=depthFrameColor.shape[1], height=depthFrameColor.shape[0])
            xmin = int(roi.topLeft().x)
            ymin = int(roi.topLeft().y)
            xmax = int(roi.bottomRight().x)
            ymax = int(roi.bottomRight().y)

            depthMin = depthData.depthMin
            depthMax = depthData.depthMax

            fontType = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX
            cv2.rectangle(depthFrameColor, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), color, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_SIMPLEX)
            cv2.putText(depthFrameColor, f"X: {int(depthData.spatialCoordinates.x)} mm", (xmin + 10, ymin + 20), fontType, 0.5, 255)
            cv2.putText(depthFrameColor, f"Y: {int(depthData.spatialCoordinates.y)} mm", (xmin + 10, ymin + 35), fontType, 0.5, 255)
            cv2.putText(depthFrameColor, f"Z: {int(depthData.spatialCoordinates.z)} mm", (xmin + 10, ymin + 50), fontType, 0.5, 255)
        # Show the frame
        cv2.imshow("depth", depthFrameColor)

        key = cv2.waitKey(1)
        if key == ord('q'):
        elif key == ord('w'):
            if topLeft.y - stepSize >= 0:
                topLeft.y -= stepSize
                bottomRight.y -= stepSize
                newConfig = True
        elif key == ord('a'):
            if topLeft.x - stepSize >= 0:
                topLeft.x -= stepSize
                bottomRight.x -= stepSize
                newConfig = True
        elif key == ord('s'):
            if bottomRight.y + stepSize <= 1:
                topLeft.y += stepSize
                bottomRight.y += stepSize
                newConfig = True
        elif key == ord('d'):
            if bottomRight.x + stepSize <= 1:
                topLeft.x += stepSize
                bottomRight.x += stepSize
                newConfig = True

        if newConfig:
            config.roi = dai.Rect(topLeft, bottomRight)
            config.calculationAlgorithm = dai.SpatialLocationCalculatorAlgorithm.AVERAGE
            cfg = dai.SpatialLocationCalculatorConfig()
            newConfig = False
  • erik replied to this.

    Hello Gaurav3434 ,
    you can set mono cam resolution by changing the line below. Currently, it's at 640x400. You can also change it to THE_720_P and THE_800_P to change it to either 1280x720 or 1280x800.

    Regarding FOV, you can't directly change it, but you can crop the image to get desired FOV. You can do that with ImageManip node.
    Thanks, Erik

    Hi Eric,
    In my code, the FOV of the depth image is bigger than FOV of RGB image, I want both FOVs to be exactly same.

    It looks like even if my RGB camera is reading (1920,1080- which is full FOV of RGB), its still less than the FOV of the combined frame formed by both the mono-cameras.

    As you can see in the following image, the RGB can not see the FOV as big as (mono_cameras) combined.
    And I know I can crop the depth frame and resize it to match with RGB, but I want to keep the accuracy as high as it is theoretically possible!

    As RGB's FOV is smaller than the depth camera's FOV, I am thinking of cropping depth frame instead of RGB frame.

    Can you please guide me with exact numbers, to crop the depth frame to match with RGB frame. As I am unable to know the total resolution and proportion of the depth frame. Though mono-cameras are set to 400P in my code, I still don't know the specifications of the combined image formed by both the mono cameras...

    • erik replied to this.

      Hello Gaurav3434 , I would suggest checking out the RGB depth align demo here. It will align depth to RGB stream, so the FOV will match.
      Thanks, Erik