Hello. I'm planning on using oak-d for a custom made cheap drone that has a raspberry-pi 4 as a companion computer. I'm planning on using OpenVINS as it is the best visual inertial estimator for my use case. But i lack some computing power on the raspberry-pi to make it run in real time. So my question is this : Is there a way to run some orb or LKT feature tracker (opencv functions) directly on the MyriadX and then send it to the pi ?
Orb or LKT feature tracker on the MyriadX
Hi @DroneLover
We have our own feature tracker that uses the underlying VPU to speed it up. https://docs.luxonis.com/projects/api/en/latest/components/nodes/feature_tracker/
You likely won't be able to incorporate custom functions since the CPU on the device is very slow and unless HW accelerated, it will not run up to standards.
- Edited
Hello @jakaskerl . That will suffice for me since my bottleneck is currently feature detection. I'll have to do a couple of adjustments but that's exactly what i'm looking for.