I have two OV9782 sensors connected to an OAK-FFC-3P on the CAMB and CAMC ports. If I make a simple config to run them as a stereo pair using camera.launch.py, they are interpreted as being mono instead of color. According to the debug logs, they show up as OP9282's, which makes some sense. Is there a way to specify on the config yaml to use the color mode, or do I need to hack together my own driver using the depthai_bridge stuff?
OV9782 Sensors w/ OAK-FFC-3P and depthai_ros_driver
This was a FW error in 2.24 that recognized 9782 as 9282 and that should be fixed when depthai 2.25 comes out.
cc @Luxonis-Adam correct me if this is a ROS issue that can be solved using different config.
Hi, currently these values are hardcoded here, we can add a parameter to override this setting until new version is released, for temporary quick fix you could build the driver from source after changing config in the link.