• DepthAI
  • what is the best way to feed the NN a true cropped sensor frame

Preview is a cropped 1:1 aspect ratio of video according to docs, but it is not a true cropped portion of the video frame (eg. if video is 1980x800 I expect a preview size of 300x300 to return 300x300 pixels, which is a portion of the video frame both horizontal and vertical eg the preview should not show the upper portion of video)

Image manipulation could be used I guess, taking input from ISP, but introduces a lot of latency.

Any suggestions?

    a month later

    Hi Thor
    preview output will downscale the input frame before doing cropping. If you need to get the the 300x300 crop, the only way is to use ImageManip node. If you are concerned about latency, feed in a smaller frame, perhaps the one from video or preview stream.
