@rf_unitem we ordered jetson nano and it should arrive this week. We apologize for the delay.
NVIDIA Orin Nano communication issues
erik @jakaskerl I'd like to bump the thread once again. Have you managed to reproduce the issue?
Hi rf_unitem
I have tried running 3 cameras on the ORIN we have at our office, ran it over weekend, had no problems. Its the dev kit version that has a 19V power supply; perhaps there is a power issue on your orins...
RIght now, the device is used by some other testing rig, so I can't make further tests, but will probably plug in 4 cameras over weekend, to see if it makes difference.
jakaskerl We also could observe the issue when running only 3 cameras but it took much longer to manifest.
We used the NVIDIA-supplied 19V power adapters as well as a bench PSU and even a Bosch battery to power Jetsons. In order to eliminate power issue on the board itself, we tried using OAK Y Adapters to externally power just the OAK devices but it didn't help.
Orins come in many flavors, I'd like to confirm that you're using the same one as we do -- Orin Nano Developer Kit.
I haven't heard from you for a while. Meanwhile, we managed to buy two more Orin Nano Devkits and reproduce the issue with the script attached to the first post.
Hi @rf_unitem
Sorry for not replying. Had to quickly test the jetson since it was needed for some other task and I couldn't reproduce the issue.
The jetson is now free and ready for testing. If you managed to reproduce the issue on two other devices, perhaps I'm doing something wrong then. I will reflash the jetson to fresh OS and retry. Then forward to FW team so we can fix this.
- Edited
Hi @rf_unitem
Letting you know I managed to reproduce the issue on fresh install of stock NVIDIA OS (previously had some custom yahboom sw).
EDIT: Will be doing some tests with different device configurations to see if I can pinpoint what the issue is so our FW team has an easier task patching the issue. Thanks for your patience.
Hi rf_unitem
I have tried running script with 4, 3 and 2 devices at once. Also ran it two-by-two as to check for multi-threading issues. It used to crash when more than 2 devices were connected.
I suspected a power issue so I added a Y splitter to all four devices and connected them to a separate charger. Ran it for 10h and experienced no issues.
I've already tried using Y splitters, unfortunately, without a success.
rf_unitem In order to eliminate power issue on the board itself, we tried using OAK Y Adapters to externally power just the OAK devices but it didn't help.
How does this:
jakaskerl I suspected a power issue so I added a Y splitter to all four devices and connected them to a separate charger. Ran it for 10h and experienced no issues.
seem to solve the problem, while
jakaskerl Letting you know I managed to reproduce the issue on fresh install of stock NVIDIA OS (previously had some custom yahboom sw).
the issue didn't manifest on the other OS on the same board?. Is this purely a configuration problem then, or was it power issue from the very beginning?
I've also already tried disabling USB3 power states support in kernel to rule that out.