Hi, I am using an OAK-FFC 4P module with two IMX378 FF sensors. I am trying to calibrate it but I get always the same error of "High equipolar error between".
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong. I am trying to take the photos as it says on the Luxonis page.
This is the dataset of photos taken for calibration:
The line to run the script is: python calibrate.py -s 2.25 -ms 1.7 -nx 13 -ny 7 -ih -brd Calibration_config2.json -osf 0.15
And here is the json file used to calibrate:
"CAM_A": {
"name": "cam1a",
"hfov": 69,
"type": "color",
"extrinsics": {
"to_cam": "CAM_D",
"specTranslation": {
"x": 3.6,
"y": 0,
"z": 0
"r": 0,
"p": 0,
"y": 0
"CAM_D": {
"name": "cam1b",
"hfov": 69,
"type": "color"
"stereo_config":{ "left_cam": "CAM_A", "right_cam": "CAM_D" } }}
Any suggestions?