• DepthAI
  • View video stream on RGB encoding example


Following up from one of my previous posts about recording video on OAK-D (reference: https://discuss.luxonis.com/d/227-record-a-short-video-on-oak-d).

Someone very kindly said that the RGB encoding would work for me, which it did the job just fine, however the example doesn't let you view the video stream as its being recorded, so it's difficult to record certain things at certain angles.

Any idea how to add this into the encoding example source code?


Hello Jon,
I believe the easiest would be to just send preview frames (and display those) along with encoded rgb stream. Example here. Hope this helpsπŸ™‚
Thanks, Erik

    erik Hey Erik! Apologies, I'm still a beginner to this world, how would I go about doing that? I can get each example to run independantly but I'm not sure how to add preview frames to the encoding example.


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