
  • Jun 25, 2024
  • Joined Feb 26, 2024
  • 0 best answers
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your answer. Is it possible to explain this a bit more cause I'm not sure I understand.

    Thank you in advance

  • Thank you!

    so the x axis of the IMU coordinate system corresponds to the y axis of the camera coordinate system and the y axis of the IMU coordinate system corresponds to the x axis of the camera coordinate system right?

    Thanks in advance

  • Hello,

    I have a question concerning the orientation of the axis of the OAK_D camera. I f we refer to this image we get the following coordinate system

    but when I get the acceleremoter when my camera ils like this

    I get an accelerometer vector of [1.86, -10, -0.14] but in your system coordinate the x axis is pointing in the opposite direction of gravity not the y axis

    So I was wondering how come are the x and y axis inverted

    thank you in advance

  • if the camera is parallel to the surface can I just use the inverse of the accelerometer vector to get the normals?


    • Thank you! I was wondering how I could find the optical axis of the oak-d camera

      Thank you in advance

    • Hello,

      I'm trying to compute the normals (of a surface) using the imu data from the camera (accelerometer, gyroscope and quaternion vector) from what I understand the quaternion vector gives us the orientation of the camera but since I'm new to this it's hard to visualize w.r.t it's oriented and I can't find an explanatory sketch on the doc so is it possible to give me a more detailed explanation on what is the quaternion vector exactly?
      For example, if I have a flat surface and my camera points towards the surface (the camera and the surface are parallel) are the normals to the surface equal to the quaternion vector ?

      Thank you in advance

    • Thank you! Also, I was wondering if it's possible to skip the first ~50 frames when encoding to remove auto-exposure frames.

      Thank you in advnace

    • yes that would be perfect but when I try with 50 fps I get "accelerated" mp4 videos do you have any idea why or what I'm doing wrong (it's the same code I sent before except I added setFps(60) for both mono cameras) ?

    • Thank you! I had set the monLeft.setFps(60) and monoRight but it didn't change anything so I removed them. From what I read here the max frame rate is supposed to be 25 fps right ?


      I think indeed I'm not reaching 60 fps in base camera cause when I tried to get videos with the SDK record

      from depthai_sdk import OakCamera, RecordType

      with OakCamera() as oak:   

      #color = oak.create_camera('color', resolution='1080P', fps=20, encode='H265')   

      left = oak.create_camera('left', resolution='800p', fps=60, encode='H265')   

      right = oak.create_camera('right', resolution='800p', fps=60, encode='H265')
          # Synchronize & save all (encoded) streams   

      oak.record([left.out.encoded, right.out.encoded], './', RecordType.VIDEO)   

      oak.visualize([left.out.camera], scale=2/3, fps=True)

      when I set the fps to 60 it didn't go over 30 fps in the visualization. The thing is I'm just trying to get mp4 videos with max fps and max resolution with oak-d camera, so do you know what's the max frame rate I can get with POE

      Thank you in advance

    • Thank you for your quick answer

      I set the fps here

      to 60
      and here's the code to preview the mono left

      previewmono = outQ1.get()

      cv.imshow('preview', previewmono.getCvFrame)

      Thank you in advance

    • Hello,

      Thank you for your answer. I've set a timer to only record for 10 seconds and I do -framerate 60 but I get a 4 seconds long video (and therefore the video is "acclerated"). It works perfectly fine with 25 fps but I don't understand why it doesn't work with 60 here's my code

      So I'm wondering if you know in 800p what's the maximum frame rate we can get for mp4 videos because from a certain frame rate the mp4 video is not the length of the recording and I don't understand why.

      Also when I try to preview the output link from my mono camera it doesn't work (the rgb preview link works fine)

      Thank you in advance

      • Hello,

        Is it possible to encode and preview mono stream at the same time ? I've tried to do saomething like this:
        (answered in another post)

        but the monocamera don't have a 'preview' attribute

        Also I'm a bit confused about what this code exactly does because when I change the fps the duration of the video saved changes and I want to record videos of fixed length but with different fps

        thank you in advance

        • Thank you! Also I've notices that when using the RGB and mono encoder I can go higher than 120 fps for the mono cameras is this normal since the max fps should be 120 fps?

        • do you use usb or poe to get the max frame rate ?

        • Hello,

          I'm trying to write a script to save rectified stereo videos but that would mean the output of both my left and right cameras would be depthmap + frame but is that possible ?

          Thank you in advance

        • Hi,

          I was wondering if you could point to me where I could find more infos on how to implement that?

          Thank you in advance

        • thank you ! I recalibrated the camera but I get the exact same calib.json is it normal ? also do you have an example to replay depth ? cause I've been trying to do it but when I rectify my images they're not perfectly aligned (I use stereoRectify and initundistorectifymap from opencv) but for the rotation matrix I'm not sure if I should use the left one, the right one, the rectified left one or the rectified right one ?

          Thank you in advance

          • THank you! In the reader.py we get a calib.json as well as the videos If I understand correctly it gives the cameras parameters right (can I use this file instead of calibrating my camera for the parameters because it says in the doc that apparently the oak-d pro doesn't need to be calibrated) ? is it possible to generate such a file when using the sdk to record ?

            thank you in advance

            • I ve upgraded depthai-sdk but it still doesn't record with more than 20 fps could it be because I use POE ?