• No chance in getting a WLAN connection & device gets VERY hot

sskorol … I have used the default app to drive Rae around until battery was flat … LEDs were on … WIFI on … did not measure temps … Rae worked fine … After seeing how raw things are at the moment and my available time I will shelve Rae for a month and dust off in December when I will have more time. Hopefully by then there is more software integration and updates … Meta Quest 3 integration soon ;-)

Hey, @sskorol while wifi operating range is up to 80 degrees and temperatures you are experiencing fall under it (so it shouldnt cause any issue while running the device) I havent been able to replicate that issue on few samples I have tried.

Are you experiencing any performance issues when RAE heats up?

    DaniloPejovic well, RAE just reboots when I reach these numbers, so…

    Also note that ~74-75 degrees is the last number I saw from the CLI tool for temperature measurement. Theoretically, it could have rapidly jumped higher but has never been reported due to the actual reboot.

    If no one can reproduce it, I guess it's just a faulty device, and I may request a replacement, right?

      Hi sskorol
      Of course. Please write an email to support@luxonis.com, link to this thread and ask for a replacement. We will likely run some tests on the device, trying to figure out the problem.

      Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.


      18 days later

      Sorry for not coming back here for a time, but as stated above, I needed to exchange my rae first and got an unplanned two weeks business trip on top… My new device arrived today, will hopefully find time to test it tomorrow. Getting it hooked up to RobotHub and driving it around would already be an achievement over the last time 😉

      Getting the device exchanged was no problem and the Luxions staff was really helpful, took a while, though…

      I did give it a quick try: Good news is, that the display isn't flickering so far 😉 I tried setup via RH, QR code was recognized, trying to connect to my WLAN… Connection error. Tried again - connection error. Tried another WLAN/SSID - connection error. Followed the instructions to shut down (double press of the power button) and try again. This time the display shows "Connecting…", then the rae flashes red, then turns white and the display is stuck at "Connecting…" (with the "pulsing" dots. Shutdown with double press doesn't work anyomore either, only hart shutdown (8s press) works.

      This is really no fun. Any idea why the rae is not connecting to my WLANs (passwords are from a password manager, so we can exclude mistyping)? Is the setup via RH even working for anyone?

      Suggestions on how to continue?

        Hi DiMa
        I always set up the device using RH QR code, never had problems. I'd try factory reset if you are not getting anywhere with the setup. Perhaps there was an error somewhere in the process, which should get fixed by a reset. Is the WIFI password/SSID using any weird characters/white spaces/etc (should work anyway, just checking)?


        No, just the usual mix of numbers, characters, special characters ({[]}…). No whitespaces, no UTF stunts. SSID is hidden, but a) that shouldn't matter and b) it doesn't work with non-hidden SSIDs either.

        Did a factory reset, I think - no change. BTW, how do I know, that the factory reset did work? I press the button 10s - and then? Nothing on the display, device doen't turn off…?!

        Some more troubleshooting via direct connection (USB-C):

        • After each reboot, hostapd is crashed.
        • Information in wpa_supplicant.conf is correct (SSID, password - no weird character translations as I read elsewehere etc. - everything is fine, that part of reading the QR code does definetly work)
        • No IP address obtained, not connected to my WLAN - in line with the "connection error" messages on the deveice, when I try the QR-code method.

        How to get it connected to the WLAN?

        systemctl stop hostapd

        systemctl restart systemd-networkd

        wpa_supplicant -B -i wlp1s0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

        And then the rae is connected to my WLAN, can ping Google etc.

        Does this give any indication, what's wrong with the device/setup? The issue (as mentioned earlier in this thread!) seems to be a crashed hostapd. I'd like to disable it completely to check, if then maybe the connection comes up properly. Maybe then the QR-method would even work…? The display still states "Register at…

        I tried using the QR code method with a the WLAN connection up (via shell/USB-C) - same result (QR code is read, SSID/pwd is transferred, connection error… while the rae is connected to WLAN and can ping e.g. google.com). Provisioning app is running, too, I checked that.

        Very strange, I really don't get it 🙄

        Found this in the robothub-ctl logs:

        200 14:59:04 I user/agent/hub/config : calling home (expectedTeamId = null)

        200 14:59:04 I user/agent/hub/config : calling home -> first time, need to authorize

        200 14:59:05 W user/agent/hub-connection : callHome failed!


        "error": {

        "cause": {

        "code": "CERT_NOT_YET_VALID",

        "message": "certificate is not yet valid",

        "name": "Error",

        "stack": "Error: certificate is not yet valid\n at TLSSocket.onConnectSecure (node:_tls_wrap:1540:34)\n at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:513:28)\n at TLSSocket.emit (node:domain:489:12)\n at TLSSocket._finishInit (node:_tls_wrap:959:8)\n at ssl.onhandshakedone (node:_tls_wrap:743:12)"


        "message": "failed to obtain auth code",

        "name": "Error",

        "stack": "Error: failed to obtain auth code\n at Object.callHome (file:///usr/libexec/robothub/robothub-agent.mjs:219661:17)\n at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n at async ensureCallingHome (file:///usr/libexec/robothub/robothub-agent.mjs:187910:28)\n at async Object.ensureCallingHome (file:///usr/libexec/robothub/robothub-agent.mjs:186087:9)\n at async Promise.all (index 0)\n at async file:///usr/libexec/robothub/robothub-agent.mjs:238084:9"



        200 14:59:05 I user/agent/hub-connection : waiting 69829 milliseconds

        Sounds to me like the device does try to register with the WLAN link up…?!

        And another test: When I

        • Mask hostapd (so it doesn't get started)
        • Log-in after reboot and restart systemd-networkd
        • Use the QR-method

        I get connected to my WLAN (so even the wpa_supplicant command is apparently executed correctly in the background) - but still "Connection error" on the display and nothing in RobotHub.

        I give up, need some pointers. This all makes no sense at all to me anymore by now.

          Hi DiMa
          This looks like the device's system clock is incorrect, leading it to believe that the certificate is not yet valid.
          Re-setting the internal clock should fix the error.


          And that is done how? And do I need to do this after each reboot manually, like the systemd stuff? Maybe it's even documented somewhere, and I missed it?

          Any thoughts about the systemd nightmares I am having? I mean, can't be that I have to restart systemd-networkd after each reboot, right?

            Hi DiMa
            sudo timedatectl set-ntp true will enable NTP which should persist between reboots.


            OK, that did the trick, although I don't fully understand why. After activating ntp, rebooting, restarting systemd-networkd the conenction via QR code did work. Now this is persistent - I shudtown/restarted multiple times, and the rae comes up fine, connects to the WLAN etc.

            What I did ultimately need to do to make this happen:

            • disable hostapd
            • enable ntp
            • reboot
            • restart systemd-networkd
            • run QR-code setup from RH

            So I can now start experimenting - but I still have no clue, why this worked in the end. Getting rid of the certificate issue via setting the correct time I dig, but why this addressed the "rae does not connect to WLAN issue"???

            Video streams work, remote control work, so for the moment I am happy 😀 No more experiments today, can only get worse 😉 Thanks @jakaskerl , I hope at least the basics are now sorted out. I'd still be curious what exactly happend…!