Matija hi Matija good news, I was saving the onnx file from the tensorflow model and actually managed to get the file converter into .blob.
So far I was testing 2 ways to convert the file into .blob. the first one was to save my model into a tensorflow model and then use openvino to create the IR files. The conversation of .blob file with the IR files was giving me the error mentioned in the previous message.
In the second method I was saving the model into a onnx file however the error I was receiving was different. The error was mentioning batches being not compatible. When I was saving the model I was giving the shape as 8,15,224,224,3 however I then realised that I cannot give 8 batches. It's fine using 8 or more during the training part but when I have to create a file which should work directly for the camera the batch given should be 1 cause it will given 1 batch of 15 frames and not 8 all in once. This is my understanding of course on why I was not able to convert from an onnx file. Please let me know if you agree with my understanding of the error.
Regarding the IR file the online converter use openvino 2022.1 I'm using a later version of openvino, i don't know if this was the reason of the error in the first place which was not recognised from previous use version of openvino. Not sure, because the architecture of the model was the same when savings both onnx and IR files.
I will now have to double check if I can make the file work properly without errors. I'll keep you updated in case other errors arise.
When my project will be done I'll share the foundings on GitHub so that other people can benefit in casa they encounter similar errors, and this will includes all step from creating the model to the deploying of a custom model for these cameras.