Hello! Sorry for bothering you, but I need your support. I have to process images that have to be acquired from two OAK cameras. I have followed this demo https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-experiments/tree/master/gen2-multiple-devices to do so, but there is something that doesn't work properly. If I connect the cameras with the USB cable, my script works, but I need to space out the two cameras and the length of the cable doesn't allow it. I've used an extension of the USB cable and link it with the OAK cable, but when run the script the camera was not able to acquire images. Is this issue related to the extension cable and it can be fixed? Thank you!!
Multiple devices acquisition
- Edited
Hello palmerini ,
I would believe that any kind of (active) extender/repeater would work. Here's one example: Monoprice active usb3 extension cable. Note that we haven't yet tested these, but our community has tried active cable/hub with success, link to discord msg here. Hope this helps
Thanks, Erik
Hi palmerini ,
With the long USB cables, we have experienced communication issues in the past. Could you try forcing USB2 mode?
dai.Device(pipeline, usb2mode=True)
This will lover the bandwidth and may decrease the FPS from the device, but comes with greater stability than default USB3 mode.
erik Thank you for your fast reply! I tried with different type of extender, but same problem occured. I'll try to figure out the problem. Thank you very much!
Luxonis-Lukasz Hello! Thank you for the advice! I'll try as soon as possible to follow your suggestion. I hope this will fix the issue. Thank you so much!