
  • Jun 10, 2021
  • Joined May 20, 2021
  • 0 best answers
  • Luxonis-Lukasz Hello! Thank you for the advice! I'll try as soon as possible to follow your suggestion. I hope this will fix the issue. Thank you so much!

  • erik Thank you for your fast reply! I tried with different type of extender, but same problem occured. I'll try to figure out the problem. Thank you very much!

  • Hello! Sorry for bothering you, but I need your support. I have to process images that have to be acquired from two OAK cameras. I have followed this demo https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-experiments/tree/master/gen2-multiple-devices to do so, but there is something that doesn't work properly. If I connect the cameras with the USB cable, my script works, but I need to space out the two cameras and the length of the cable doesn't allow it. I've used an extension of the USB cable and link it with the OAK cable, but when run the script the camera was not able to acquire images. Is this issue related to the extension cable and it can be fixed? Thank you!!

    • @erik thank you for your advices!! Looking very quickly to wls filter, I think it can help me a bit better! I'm going go look the example code and try to figure out which features can help me!
      Thank you!!

      • Hi erik! Thank you very much for your reply!
        Last week I've exactly used this approach: I've used a really small ROI in order to obtain the depth of the image for let's say 1 pixel, but due to the noise of the depth frame, it's not possible to obtain a valid value of the depth for a pixel with X,Y coordinates. It works fine if I consider a bigger ROI. So I'm searching other way to achieve my goal.
        Thank you so much!

        • Hi Luxonis-Lukasz!
          I have investigated the code to obtain the distance of a point and i used the ROI as described in the shared link, but if it's possible to obtain the depth of a single points it should be perfect! Thank you very much!

          • erik replied to this.
          • Hello again Luxonis-Lukasz !!
            I'm trying to follow the first approach you have mentioned. I've drawn inside the color image some landmarks, that have some 2d coordinates, depending on the normalizated values and height/width of the image. Then I used the same function to draw the landmarks also on the depth image, and the position of the points are the same since the Color and the Depth image has the same heigth and width after the alignment. What I want is, for each landmark, detect their X, Y, Z (mm) from the StereoDepth image passing as input their X,Y (pixels).
            I know i'm asking a lot of help, but i'm still learning and understanding how to do it. Sorry and thank you very much again!

          • Sorry for bothering you again..
            Last question. I've successfully run the example code and I've modified it in order to perform my elaborations on the 2D images. I've also looked the code for getting the spatial coords, but maybe I need some help. I've cheked the "calc_spatials" function, but I can't find a way to obtain the X,Y,Z of a point inside the Depth image. I drew a point in the color image (with a X, Y depending on the width, height of the frame), then I just did a copy-paste on the depth image. There is a possibility to obtain the Z value, knowing the X and Y of a point from the Depth Image? Maybe is a trivial question but I can't find a way to solve this.
            Thank you very much!!

          • I'm having troubles in import find_version module. As soon as I solve this I could come back again.
            Thank you!

          • erik Thank you for the additional informations! I'm going to check it too!!

          • Luxonis-Lukasz thank you a lot!! I'm going to test and understand the code in order to adjust it to reach my goals. Thank you very much!

          • Hello everyone!
            I'm a little newbie and I'm using OAK-D camera to acquire images that I need to elaborate. I'm using external libraries to do some detections inside the acquired 2D image. What I want to perform is visualize also the Depth image, in an other window of the same size and with the same resolution (let's say 640x480 for example), take the 2D coordinates of some points/segments that have been calculated on the 2D image, copy and paste those points in the Depth image and from this window, extract the 3D coordinates (Z values) of the pasted points.
            I don't know if I've been clear enough. Is it possible? I have some difficulty also into simply visualize both 2D and Depth images in 2 windows.. Can you help me? Thank you!!