• It’s still on Screen like “rae”

When the robot Rae is switched on, it only shows "rae" on LCD and cannot proceed. If I press the switch twice, it will shutdown. What should I do? Should I send RAE to Luxonis (company)? Teach me how to fix it.

Before requesting support, please see: https://docs.luxonis.com/en/latest/pages/support/

  • erik replied to this.

    Hi @Doo - I am experiencing the same thing. I have gone through the process of attempting to set it up via 'Connecting a RAE on RobotHub' which generates the QR code to be read by the device, yet nothing happens.

    To provide additional detail. I charged the device via the USB C and attempted to get it to read the QR code, yet nothing happens. There is an orange and red LED visible under the USB-C cable and the screen is only showing 'rae'

    Some help in getting past this would be really appreciated.

    I have attempted a 'reset' and am getting the same experience.

    • erik replied to this.

      The easiest way to get going (from my perspective) is to ssh into the RAE over the USB-C cable.
      This works at least using Ubuntu Linux on your host system … and perhaps other operating systems too.
      - Connect RAE to your host system via USB-C
      - Press RAE power button (underneath … once) … and you'll see the OLED screen background turn on (dark grey) and eventually show the connect to RobotHub message. I'm not worrying about RobotHub for the moment !
      - On your host system (using USB-C cable, not Wi-Fi) … ssh root@ (no password required)
      - Set-up Wi-Fi (see https://github.com/luxonis/rae-app#enabling-internet-connection), but you probably need to type the command wpa_supplicant -B -i wlp1s0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf twice !
      - Test Wi-Fi connection from the RAE … ping
      - Follow instructions for running RAE ROS2 Docker container … https://github.com/luxonis/rae-ros#ssh
      - Download RAE ROS2 Docker container … much faster than trying to build it yourself
      - Prior experience with using ROS2 is really helpful

      • erik replied to this.
      • Doo likes this.

        Thanks @erik, but it is not doing anything when trying to connect it to the RobotHub. As noted in my original message, it does not read the QR and jsut shows the 'rae' message on the screen.

        hi @erik, in an earlier post, I expressed my security concerns, regarding a third-party web-site, e.g RobotHub, requesting my Wi-Fi SSID and password … see https://discuss.luxonis.com/d/2136-example-codes-for-rae/15 … even if to only produce a QR code. There are other, more secure and less complicated approaches for customers, e.g provide open-source code that they can inspect and run on their computer to produce the QR code for encoding their Wi-Fi credentials for their RAE. Or, just ssh in via the USB-C cable and run a small Wi-Fi configuration script (good for running my RAE at multiple different locations in the world … with different Wi-Fi credentials).

        My initial primary interest is running ROS2 on RAE, running SLAM and Depth AI ML Models a.s.a.p and developing that out further. I assume that RobotHub is not yet ready to help with using ROS2. Given that Luxonis instructions suggest shutting down RobotHub, before running ROS2, to prevent conflicts when accessing hardware … see https://github.com/luxonis/rae-ros#ssh (step 4). I'd like my RAE to (eventually) boot-up directly (or via an option) into ROS2 … and to minimize boot time and save scarce resources by not running local RobotHub processes at all (see next point).

        I also notice that when the RAE robot is powered up, there is an on-board RobotHub process (/app/controller/rae_motors) that is consuming over 80% of the CPU (> 40% user and 40% system) … and the first thing I do is stop that RobotHub related (?) process from consuming most of the precious available compute cycles.

        I did follow the Luxonis instructions for connecting my RAE robot to my RobotHub account. Didn't have any success. Hard to diagnose problems when the source code running on the RAE and the code running on the Luxonis backend RobotHub host is unavailable to help with diagnosis. Looks like I'm not alone with RobotHub set-up issues … and I'm sure you'll be sorting that out.

        So, I hope this explains why my current efforts are more directed at ROS2 on RAE, since there is source code to help figure things out (whilst the documentation is being completed), the end result is more capable, e.g running SLAM … and ROS2 is the de-facto open-source standard in the robotics industry.

          Thank you for your helpful reply. Reading the contents, it seems that it is a problem that can be solved only when it is directly connected to RAE.
          1. I'm currently only using Windows pc and it's a work related system, so I think I need to install and start a new OS Linux Ubuntu? Is that right?
          2. Why did the stationary "rae" happen? Is it software? Is it hardware? What should I do to prevent these problems in the future?
          3. Should the expected RAE's controls be programmed directly? As explained in kickstarter, ROS security and hide-and-seek seem to be not something you can do naturally. Then, I think you should provide an app that can be used for the function control you want at any time. Can you promise to do so? (so that it won't be more than $300 scrap metal)

          4. Is Raspberry pi enough to configure the linux system to connect with RAE? Does it work with the Turing Pi (http://turingpi.com ) I recently acquired recently? Is it possible to do Arduino board? (I haven't experienced Linux yet and I'm trying because I want to do it, --I have Raspberry pi/Turing board/Arduino board but I'm not using them ) Please give me some good advice. -
          5 Although there is a little lack of verbal communication in English

          1. I purchased the OAK series that kickstarted from Luxonis, but it was not fully utilized, but I would like to take this opportunity to actively apply it using Linux as Luxonis mentioned. In fact, weekly Webinar is not easy to listen to even if I go in and listen to it (Local time at 2 a.m.), and it would be very helpful to listen to it if you summarize the title and contents before doing the webinar... I would appreciate it if you could tell me the site where I can watch the rerun of the webinar.
          2. What should I do??? Please solve these problems in front of me.
          • erik replied to this.

            Hi geekscape ,
            Regarding the QR code generation - I believe it's quite standard to input wifi credentials for IOT things (smart plugs, wifi printers, etc), and afaik QR generation happens on frontend, so your info doesn't get sent to our servers. Since robothub just deploys docker containers, which can also use ros, and we do plan to release apps that do.

            Hi Doo ,

            1. No, you can use any OS.
            2. I am not sure what you mean with "Why did the stationary "rae" happen - could you elaborate?
            3. Yes, we will be releasing more apps (eg. follow-me) in the coming weeks, as we are currently working on them.
            4. I am not sure what you mean - there's already quadcore ARM running Linux on the rae itself. Did you mean you would connect a second "mini computer" onto rae?
            5. Which webinar are you referring to? If you mean the opencv weekly ones, I believe those can be found on their linkedin.
            6 months later

            Hi @Doo
            The links have changed a bit in the latest update. Please navigate from the main landing page.

            • Doo replied to this.

              jakaskerl where is the main landing page? I am clumsy on navigation.