I'm looking to attach a 5v fan to my FFC-3P and I know it has the fan header for power, I was wondering if there are any GPIO pins available for fan control though? I know I can get the chip temperature through the API, if there is a GPIO pin I could send PWM to though that'd be ideal.

If not, there are loads of ways to do this, I just thought this may be an easy win if so.

    Hi kneave ,

    What is the temperature for your board when it is running AI applications?

    I also want to add a tiny fan on my OAK-FFC-3P board. Just like the heatsink on RPi 4

    . The fan only provides powers and GND.

      Thanks Erik, is usage of the GPIO included in the SDK or API please?

      edxian I'm not sure of the temperature at the minute to be honest but noticed it getting warm when I was only previewing video and thought it worth planning ahead. Mine is in an enclosure with a fan at the back and two vents the other side of the 3P board, I'm expecting air passing it will be enough from the size of the heatsink so haven't looked at putting a fan on it directly.