Dear OAK FFC Hardware Experts,

We would like to sync the RGB image of OAK FFC IMX477 M12 with the stereo pair (i.e. connect FSIN on the FFC cable to the XVS signal of the OAK FFC IMX477 M12 module). But we could not find any label of the following testpads/testpoints :


Could you instruct or do you have the PCB layout to share, please ?

Khang Le Truong

Hi l4es ,
Here's signal info for the 4 pins:

  • l4es replied to this.

    l4es Only the adapter is discontinued, as it's not needed anymore - it was needed with the OAK-FFC-3P-OG.

    Hi erik ,

    Thanks very for your answer and confirmation. By the way, for the sync/alignment of RGB and depth, what would happen if we configure the snapshot mode for AR0234 pair and the continuous mode for IMX477 as their only supported mode, please ?

    Thanks and best regards,


    • erik replied to this.

      Hi l4es ,
      We haven't tried it yet, but I assume it should work.

      • l4es replied to this.

        Hi erik ,

        We haven't tried it yet

        Did you mean that the RGB and stereo pair in OAK-D cameras were not hardware/frame-synced ?

        Best Regards,


        • erik replied to this.

          Hi l4es ,
          Stereo pair is HW synced, and IMX378/IMX214 (sensors that we use in our finished products) are then software-synced, as depthai does some line-skipping every so often (on the rolling shutter color sensor) to achieve sub-ms accuracy.