• DepthAI
  • Request for assistance with OAK-D POE CM4 and Jetson TX2 integration

Hi jakaskerl

Thank you for your previous insights. I want to clarify that the latency measurements I shared with you earlier were taken without showing the preview (I had commented out `cv2.imshow('frame', imgFrame.getCvFrame())`).

After including the preview display in the computation, here are the new values I obtained:

Latency: 481.45 ms, Average latency: 527.23 ms, Std: 36.31

Latency: 492.62 ms, Average latency: 527.20 ms, Std: 36.31

Latency: 488.96 ms, Average latency: 527.18 ms, Std: 36.31

Latency: 486.37 ms, Average latency: 527.15 ms, Std: 36.31

Latency: 496.27 ms, Average latency: 527.13 ms, Std: 36.31

Latency: 492.14 ms, Average latency: 527.10 ms, Std: 36.31

Latency: 503.84 ms, Average latency: 527.09 ms, Std: 36.30

Latency: 515.83 ms, Average latency: 527.08 ms, Std: 36.29

Latency: 507.38 ms, Average latency: 527.07 ms, Std: 36.28

Latency: 507.18 ms, Average latency: 527.05 ms, Std: 36.27

Latency: 498.62 ms, Average latency: 527.03 ms, Std: 36.27

Latency: 515.08 ms, Average latency: 527.02 ms, Std: 36.25

As you can see, adding the preview display significantly increases the latency.



    Hi Babacar
    Yes, i figured. I seem to have badly formed my question.

    Could you try to time the loop (the while True part) of the script ALSO without showing the preview. This is to try to get a sense of how fast the RPI is able to process information (without images).


      5 days later


      Hi Jaka,

      Apologies for the delay in response. I want to confirm whether this is the correct modification to the code that you requested:

      import depthai as dai

      import numpy as np

      import time

      # Create pipeline

      pipeline = dai.Pipeline()


      # Define source and output

      camRgb = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera)



      xout = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)



      # Connect to device and start pipeline

      with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:


      q = device.getOutputQueue(name="out")

      diffs = np.array([])

      while True:

      start_time = time.time() # Record start time of the loop

      imgFrame = q.get()

      latencyMs = (dai.Clock.now() - imgFrame.getTimestamp()).total_seconds() * 1000

      diffs = np.append(diffs, latencyMs)

      print('Latency: {:.2f} ms, Average latency: {:.2f} ms, Std: {:.2f}'.format(latencyMs, np.average(diffs), np.std(diffs)))

      end_time = time.time() # Record end time of the loop

      loop_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000 # Calculate loop time in ms

      print('Loop time: {:.2f} ms'.format(loop_time))

      Please let me know if this is correct, or if there are any further changes that I should make.


        Hi Babacar
        Edit the code in main.py (for deepsort) to check how much time it takes for one iteration to complete. The point of this is to find it how long host-side code takes on the RPI (if it's too resource intensive).
        EDIT: Of course, without imshow().


          Hi jakaskerl

          Here's the code that I implemented:

          import time

          # ...

          while True:

          # Begin timing
          start_time = time.time()
          for name, q in queues.items():
              # Add all msgs (color frames, object detections and recognitions) to the Sync class.
              if q.has():
                  sync.add_msg(q.get(), name)
          msgs = sync.get_msgs()
          if msgs is not None:
              frame = msgs["color"].getCvFrame()
              detections = msgs["detection"].detections
              embeddings = msgs["embedding"]
              # Write raw frame to the raw_output video
              # Update the tracker
              object_tracks = tracker_iter(detections, embeddings, tracker, frame)
              # For each tracking object
              for track in object_tracks:
                  #... All existing code 
              # Write the frame with annotations to the output video
          # End timing and print elapsed time
          end_time = time.time()
          elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
          print(f"Elapsed time for iteration: {elapsed_time} seconds")



          These are the results I got:

          Elapsed time for iteration: 0.13381719589233398 seconds

          Elapsed time for iteration: 0.1333160400390625 seconds

          Elapsed time for iteration: 0.13191676139831543 seconds



          Elapsed time for iteration: 0.13199663162231445 seconds

          Thanks, Jaka, for your input so far.I would appreciate any further suggestions you might have to fix this issue.


          Following your advice, I've made some further modifications to my code and have also removed the video writing part. The changes have resulted in considerable improvements in the performance. However, the time taken per iteration now varies widely. Here's a subset of the results:

          Elapsed time for iteration: 2.3365020751953125e-05 seconds

          Elapsed time for iteration: 2.3603439331054688e-05 seconds



          Elapsed time for iteration: 2.6702880859375e-05 seconds

          Elapsed time for iteration: 2.3603439331054688e-05 seconds

          Elapsed time for iteration: 3.361701965332031e-05 seconds

          Elapsed time for iteration: 2.4080276489257812e-05 seconds



          Elapsed time for iteration: 0.00014281272888183594 seconds

          Elapsed time for iteration: 0.06066274642944336 seconds

          Elapsed time for iteration: 0.05930662155151367 seconds

          Elapsed time for iteration: 0.05977463722229004 seconds

          Elapsed time for iteration: 0.06491947174072266 seconds

          Hi Babacar
          I'm not sure so I asked Bard:

          Yes, DeepSORT supports YOLOv8. You can import YOLOv8 in JSON format from the DeepSORT_Tracking GitHub repository. Here are the steps on how to do it:

          Clone the DeepSORT_Tracking GitHub repository.
          Go to the deepsort/deepsort/detection/ directory.
          Copy the yolov4.cfg and yolov4.weights files from the tutorial you linked to.
          Create a new file called yolov8.json.
          Paste the following code into the yolov8.json file:

           "model": "yolov8",
            "classes": ["person"],
            "path": "./yolov4.cfg",
            "weights": "./yolov4.weights"

          Save the yolov8.json file.

          Now you can use DeepSORT to track objects detected by YOLOv8.

          Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful:

          DeepSORT documentation: https://github.com/nwojke/deep_sort/blob/master/README.md
          YOLOv8 tutorial: https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/

          Hope this helps,

          Hi Jaka,

          I think there might have been a misunderstanding in our last exchange. I intend to train my YOLOv8 model using this code: https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-ml-training/blob/master/colab-notebooks/YoloV8_training.ipynb, and then import it in JSON format, as indicated in the tutorial.

          I plan on using this specific DeepSORT repository from Luxonis

          and I would like to, instead of launching it with yolov6.json, do it with a yolov8 that I have trained on my own database.

          Furthermore, I'm not quite sure about the "deepsort/deepsort/detection" directory you mentioned. I don't see the yolov4.cfg and yolov4.weights files.

          Could you provide more clarification on this?

          Best regards,


          • erik replied to this.

            Hi Babacar ,
            We have just updated the deepsort demo, and you should be able to easily replace the default object detection model with your own yolov8. THoughts?

              Hi erik

              Thank you, I am currently training my model, afterwards I will try with the Deep SORT demo.

              Hi erik

              I've trained my model and deployed it on Roboflow. Following the tutorial, I modified the main.py code:

              import cv2
              from depthai_sdk import OakCamera
              from depthai_sdk.classes.packets import TwoStagePacket
              from depthai_sdk.visualize.configs import TextPosition
              from deep_sort_realtime.deepsort_tracker import DeepSort
              tracker = DeepSort(max_age=1000, nn_budget=None, embedder=None, nms_max_overlap=1.0, max_cosine_distance=0.2)
              def cb(packet: TwoStagePacket):
                  detections = packet.img_detections.detections
                  vis = packet.visualizer
                  # Update the tracker
                  object_tracks = tracker.iter(detections, packet.nnData, (640, 640))
                  for track in object_tracks:
                      if not track.is_confirmed() or \
                          track.time_since_update > 1 or \
                          track.detection_id >= len(detections) or \
                          track.detection_id < 0:
                      det = packet.detections[track.detection_id]
                      vis.add_text(f'ID: {track.track_id}',
                                      bbox=(*det.top_left, *det.bottom_right),
                  frame = vis.draw(packet.frame)
                  cv2.imshow('DeepSort tracker', frame)
              with OakCamera() as oak:
                  color = oak.create_camera('color')
                  model_config = {
                          'source': 'roboflow', 
                          'key':'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz' # FAKE Private API key
                  yolo = oak.create_nn(model_config,color)
                  embedder = oak.create_nn('mobilenetv2_imagenet_embedder_224x224', input=yolo)
                  oak.visualize(embedder, fps=True, callback=cb)
                  # oak.show_graph()

              However, I'm encountering an error stating that it can't find my trained model:

              Exception: {'message': 'No trained model was found.', 'type': 'GraphMethodException', 'hint': 'You must train a model on this version with Roboflow Train before you can use inference.', 'e': ['Model not found, looking for filename 4JiY9CSQUUctWZgCzw210yo9qcw2/heRJlafm8KwTDQrTn8dI/4/roboflow.zip']}

              Sentry is attempting to send 2 pending error messages

              So, I saved my file as best.py and then used the model converter. I'd like to know how to implement it into the code:

              Thanks for your assistance.

                Hi Babacar
                The roboflow api should work as expected it think. I am also getting the same errors though, so I asked the roboflow team what the correct procedure for using the models is.

                Ill get back to you on that.
                In the meanwhile, use the downloaded blob path to when creating your neural network.


                  Hi jakaskerl

                  Do you have any idea how to use it with this code: https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-experiments/blob/master/gen2-deepsort-tracking/main.py?

                  I tried replacing the yolov6 model with my blob file, but I received this error:

                  File "/home/pi/Tracking/gen3-deepsort-tracking/main.py", line 43, in <module>
                  File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/depthai_sdk/oak_camera.py", line 347, in start
                  File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/depthai_sdk/oak_camera.py", line 465, in build
                  xouts = out.setup(self.pipeline, self.oak.device, names)
                  File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/depthai_sdk/classes/output_config.py", line 54, in setup
                  xoutbase: XoutBase = self.output(pipeline, device)
                  File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/depthai_sdk/components/nn_component.py", line 629, in main
                  out = XoutTwoStage(det_nn=self.
                  File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/depthai_sdk/oak_outputs/xout/xout_nn.py", line 289, in init
                  self.whitelist_labels: Optional[List[int]] = second_nn.
                  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'whitelist_labels'
                  Sentry is attempting to send 2 pending error messages
                  Waiting up to 2 seconds
                  Press Ctrl-C to quit~

                  I appreciate your help.

                    Hi Babacar
                    I think you need to edit the callback function to correctly parse the results from your model. Try removing all the logic inside the callback to see if it still causes the same error. I'm not sure whether it stems from the parsing or whether it's a visualizer problem.
