Hi Luxonis Support Team,
I'm a new comer for Luxonis and DepthAI family. Would you please help check my understanding listed as below is correct or not? Also some questions need your answers. Thanks in advance.
Currently I successfully have installed depthai-viewer (by typing command of python -m pip install depthai-viewer) on Windows 10 (depthai-viewer is installed on D:\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\depthai_viewer folder). It was observed that after invoking D:\Python\Python311\Scripts\depthai-viewer.exe at the first time, the GUI would install dependency (running D:\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\depthai_viewer\install_requirements.py) on virtual environment path (D:\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\depthai_viewer\venv-0.1.6\Lib\site-packages). Then after plugging my OAK-D SR camera on USB port, it would show up the 3 panels results, which looks everything is fine.
(Question 1) If I don't want to double-click invoke D:\Python\Python311\Scripts\depthai-viewer.exe dirtectly and use prompt to invoke it instead, what commands do I type in prompt command environment?
(Question 2) Depthai Viewer is to use SDK or API (or both) and to use Rust(listed in GitHub) or Python language to implement this application?
(Question 3) I would like to trace the source code of depthai-viewer porject (what functions in SDK or API are used one by one) for my application of depth information extraction from 2D camera frame. Do you think depthai-viewer is a good starting-point project or any other project you suggest? My preferenced programming language is Python.