Hi Luxonis Support Team,

Is there any further progress on the depthai-viewer sdk development?

We want to give our customers a OAK-D-SR camera compatible SDK as soon as possible to help them develop their projects and test.

Thank you very much!

    Hi Jalen_Xu
    We are rewriting the SDK atm to enable support for different visualization methods. Should be out very soon.


      7 months later

      jakaskerl , Hi jakaskerl, recently I bough a OAK-D SR camera as well and also wondered when this depthai-viewer sdk will be rolled out. Any update for it?

      Thanks in advance.

      Hi Luxonis Support Team,

      I'm a new comer for Luxonis and DepthAI family. Would you please help check my understanding listed as below is correct or not? Also some questions need your answers. Thanks in advance.

      Currently I successfully have installed depthai-viewer (by typing command of python -m pip install depthai-viewer) on Windows 10 (depthai-viewer is installed on D:\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\depthai_viewer folder). It was observed that after invoking D:\Python\Python311\Scripts\depthai-viewer.exe at the first time, the GUI would install dependency (running D:\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\depthai_viewer\install_requirements.py) on virtual environment path (D:\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\depthai_viewer\venv-0.1.6\Lib\site-packages). Then after plugging my OAK-D SR camera on USB port, it would show up the 3 panels results, which looks everything is fine.

      (Question 1) If I don't want to double-click invoke D:\Python\Python311\Scripts\depthai-viewer.exe dirtectly and use prompt to invoke it instead, what commands do I type in prompt command environment?

      (Question 2) Depthai Viewer is to use SDK or API (or both) and to use Rust(listed in GitHub) or Python language to implement this application?

      (Question 3) I would like to trace the source code of depthai-viewer porject (what functions in SDK or API are used one by one) for my application of depth information extraction from 2D camera frame. Do you think depthai-viewer is a good starting-point project or any other project you suggest? My preferenced programming language is Python.

        Hi @RobertH

        RobertH (Question 1) If I don't want to double-click invoke D:\Python\Python311\Scripts\depthai-viewer.exe dirtectly and use prompt to invoke it instead, what commands do I type in prompt command environment?

        You would need to add the the viewer and the site-packages to system PATH, they don't get added automatically.

        RobertH (Question 2) Depthai Viewer is to use SDK or API (or both) and to use Rust(listed in GitHub) or Python language to implement this application?

        The viewer uses SDK. The depthai side is python based, while the viewer (RERUN) side is written in Rust (window updates and dynamic changes..).

        RobertH (Question 3) I would like to trace the source code of depthai-viewer porject (what functions in SDK or API are used one by one) for my application of depth information extraction from 2D camera frame. Do you think depthai-viewer is a good starting-point project or any other project you suggest? My preferenced programming language is Python.

        There is a bunch... Here they are. The viewer is not a good starting point unless you like pain 🙂. For python starting point and getting used to depthai, I'd recommend our examples: https://docs.luxonis.com/projects/api/en/latest/tutorials/code_samples/.
        Should be much easier to learn not having to deal with rust's quirks.


          Hi jakaskerl

          Thanks for your feedback. I tried to use hello_world.py as my first tutorial sample code but it failed with following error shown "[19443010C19E782700] [1.1] [1.253] [ColorCamera(0)] [error] Camera not detected on socket: 0" with my camera of OAK-D SR model. It's known that DepthAI Viewer doesn't support OAK-D SR camera. Here is question that does every code under sample, experiments and tutorial support OAK-D SR camera? Or anything I need to be aware of?



            Hi Jaka,

            Updated. I have tried another sample of depthai-python\examples\ColorCamera\rgb_preview.py and it still failed as below snapshot for your reference.

            RobertH It's known that DepthAI Viewer doesn't support OAK-D SR camera.

            Viewer should support OAK-D-SR.

            RobertH Here is question that does every code under sample, experiments and tutorial support OAK-D SR camera? Or anything I need to be aware of?

            Oak-D SR uses two color cameras to perform stereo. They should be located on sockets B and C iirc. Most examples are created for OAK-D devices that have a middle color camera (CAM_A) and one mono camera on each side (CAM_B and CAM_C). You have to change the examples to use two color cameras.

            There should be an example up: luxonis/depthai-pythonblob/main/examples/StereoDepth/depth_preview_sr.py


              Hi jakaskerl ,

              Thanks for comments. It’s a typo and I mean DepthAI Demo has not supported OAK-D SR camera.

              From depth_preview_sr.py source code, no explicit CAM* terms are specified. Wonder if I have more than OAK camera connected to PC simultaneously, how I specify which one I want to control? Any query function to know what camera(s) connected to PC? Thanks again for your patience for my trivial questions.