Currently no clean and easy way, but we are working on exposing it.
Currently the best approach is to use tools.luxonis.com -- this will generate a blob for RVC2, but in the ZIP it will also output the modified ONNX file. The ONNX file will contain additional sigmoid and layer names which we use for on-device decoding (parsing + NMS). So, after you get the ONNX file from tools, you can use the model optimizer in the same way as in our repository here:
mo --input_model model.onnx \
--output_dir output_dir \
--model_name yolov7tiny \
--data_type FP16 \
--reverse_input_channels \
--scale 255 \
--output output1_yolov7,output2_yolov7,output3_yolov7
Compiling the produced XML and bin with the blobconverter should give you a working blob that is compatible with the YoloDetectionNetwork node. We will expose a direct export for RVC3 through the tools repository in the future.