I have a model that works on on OAK-D, based on YOLOv7-tiny, but having trouble compiling for RVC3. Following the instructions here. Error is:
root@keembay:~/Downloads# /opt/openvino/tools/compile_tool/compile_tool -d VPUX.3400 -m model.xml -ip U8 -ov_api_1_0
OpenVINO Runtime version ......... 2022.1.0
Build ........... 2022.1.0-7080-6582ec65d78-releases/2022/1
Network inputs:
images : U8 / NCHW
Network outputs:
boxes.0 : FP32 / CHW
classes : FP32 / CHW
max_score : FP32 / CHW
Callback signal handler installed
Opening XLink Device File
nGraph Interpolate node '/model.39/Resize' has unsupported number of inputs '3'
The layer in question:
<layer id="282" name="/model.39/Resize" type="Interpolate" version="opset4">
<data mode="nearest" shape_calculation_mode="scales" coordinate_transformation_mode="asymmetric" nearest_mode="floor" antialias="false" pads_begin="0, 0, 0, 0" pads_end="0, 0, 0, 0" cube_coeff="-0.75" />
<port id="0" precision="FP32">
<port id="1" precision="I64">
<port id="2" precision="FP32">
<port id="3" precision="FP32" names="/model.39/Resize_output_0">
In opset4
the inputs of Interpolate increased to 4, but it's not clear what the compiler is expecting here. Also unclear as to why this worked for RVC2—did it know how to interpret the Interpolate layer properly?