Hi, Is it possible to read the data from the magnetometer in the terminal? I have the impression that it has not been defined. Would you know how to find out the magnetometer data ?
IMU Packet: ['Accelerometer [m/s2]: (x: 0.08, y: -0.34, z: -9.89), Gyroscope [rad/s]: (x: -0.00, y: 0.00, z: -0.01))', 'Accelerometer [m/s2]: (x: 0.05, y: -0.35, z: -9.92), Gyroscope [rad/s]: (x: 0.00, y: -0.01, z: 0.00))', 'Accelerometer [m/s2]: (x: 0.07, y: -0.34, z: -9.91), Gyroscope [rad/s]: (x: -0.01, y: -0.00, z: -0.01))', 'Accelerometer [m/s2]: (x: 0.06, y: -0.34, z: -9.90), Gyroscope [rad/s]: (x: -0.01, y: 0.00, z: -0.01))', 'Accelerometer [m/s2]: (x: 0.06, y: -0.35, z: -9.91), Gyroscope [rad/s]: (x: -0.01, y: 0.00, z: 0.00))']