Hi Jalen_Xu
Did you change the script to allow double color camera configuration?
That is:

  • removing mono cameras
  • adding another color camera
  • correctly linking both cameras to the output

If you still have errors, it's best to add a MRE of your modified code so we can debug.


Thank you very much!

Could you provide us with an example program that can debug parameters like exposure and iso of SR camera? Besides that, how do I get the depth data on each pixel point? Is there an API or example for us to use?

  • erik replied to this.


    1. For rgb-camera-control example you'd need to specify the camera socket which you want to control. By default it will take CAM_A socket, while OAK-D-SR only has 2 color cameras on sockets CAM_B and CAM_C. To change that, use:
      camRgb = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera)
      camRgb.setBoardSocket(dai.CameraBoardSocket.CAM_B) # Or different socket
    2. To get depth at some point, I'd suggest using SpatialLocationCalculator.


    When I am running SpatialLocationCalculator, I get some error messages.

    As shown below.

    [1844301071C55D1200] [1.3] [775.632] [system] [error] Attempted to start Mono Left camera - NOT detected! [1844301071C55D1200] [1.3] [775.632] [system] [error] Attempted to start Mono Right camera - NOT detected! Use WASD keys to move ROI. Use 'r' and 'f' to change ROI size.

    • erik replied to this.

      Jalen_Xu do you have latest depthai version? Works as expected for me on the oak-d-sr (depthai 2.22).

      Thanks for your support!

      Great! I updated depthai to the latest version and now it can acquire depth images.


      I want to save some RGB images and depth images from SR camera by running record.py file, but it reports an error.

      Please create an issue on the depthai-experiments repo for this issue.

      Sorry, I don't know how I can post this question to depthai-experiments. Could you send me a link? Thank you!

      • erik replied to this.