Thank you very much!
Could you provide us with an example program that can debug parameters like exposure and iso of SR camera? Besides that, how do I get the depth data on each pixel point? Is there an API or example for us to use?
- For rgb-camera-control example you'd need to specify the camera socket which you want to control. By default it will take CAM_A socket, while OAK-D-SR only has 2 color cameras on sockets CAM_B and CAM_C. To change that, use:
camRgb = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera) camRgb.setBoardSocket(dai.CameraBoardSocket.CAM_B) # Or different socket
- To get depth at some point, I'd suggest using SpatialLocationCalculator.
When I am running SpatialLocationCalculator, I get some error messages.
As shown below.
[1844301071C55D1200] [1.3] [775.632] [system] [error] Attempted to start Mono Left camera - NOT detected! [1844301071C55D1200] [1.3] [775.632] [system] [error] Attempted to start Mono Right camera - NOT detected! Use WASD keys to move ROI. Use 'r' and 'f' to change ROI size.
Thanks for your support!
Great! I updated depthai to the latest version and now it can acquire depth images.
I want to save some RGB images and depth images from SR camera by running record.py file, but it reports an error.
Please create an issue on the depthai-experiments repo for this issue.
Sorry, I don't know how I can post this question to depthai-experiments. Could you send me a link? Thank you!