Hello Luxonis team !
I'm currently working with the OAK-D lite and i'm trying to use a neural network on that camera. With this model, I want to use the mono camera (left or right) as input of my neural network.
The input of my model has 3 channels (even with mono camera i want to have 3 channels because my model was trained on both grayscale and rgb images) and has values between -1 and 1, I apply the normalization during the conversion between ONNX to IR format by using --meanvalues [127.5,127.5,127.5] and --scalevalues [127.5,127.5,127.5] as mention in the documentation here .
When I did the test, with mono camera as input (Left/Right), the model just output random values. I tested the same blob on RGB camera and it worked normally. In my case, how can i normalize correctly the image from mono camera ?
Thanks in advance for your support !