Hi! I'm just going to jump in here, since I am experiencing the same problem.
Yes, I believe the latest develop has the support for the OAK-D-SR, could you try it out as well?
I have found that I can successfully run the depthai_demo.py program from the depthai repo, main branch (commit 7c9f9897cd0a6d7dacdafc03125bec0ccc6f06ec), but I am unable to select the depth tab. Further, I am only able to select color and nnInput from the drop down box in the GUI (no depth or individual left/right images etc).
However, if I clone and build the examples in the depthai-core repo, develop branch (commit 75b93d617bf97b3fcd57504438592c294ab64478), I am able to run the examples/depth_preview executable and see the depth output. However, when I try to run the rgb_preview or rgb_video executables I get the error:
[1844301041C04B1200] [3.3] [1.267] [ColorCamera(0)] [error] Camera not detected on socket: 0
Is there a repo/branch combination that I should be using? Or is it just that the SR is still "early-access" and we just need to wait for the support to become available?
Cheers, Pete