I'm a University of Surrey Computer Vision MSc graduate, specialising in Deep Learning for Video Interpolation or Novel View Synthesis (I graduated a while back now).
I'm embarking on a small hobby project to see how I can project an image onto a 3D object using Oak-D
The first part of this problem is in the generation of a 3D Model (a reconstruction) from the two 2D images.
From a quick literature review I have seen this paper:-
Toward 3D Object Reconstruction from Stereo Images - https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.08223.pdf
MeshStereo: A Global Stereo Model with Mesh Alignment Regularization for
View Interpolation - http://chizhang.me/MeshStereo.pdf
I then saw this link https://github.com/timzhang642/3D-Machine-Learning
And realised that there's actually quite a lot of research in the field.
Where would you suggest I start with something like this ?
Happy to share my dev work.