Hi All!
Maybe someone in the community has solved the issue I'm having or has some ideas.
I have an IoT-40 S2 camera (https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-hardware/tree/master/NG2092_OAK-D-IoT-40) and am having trouble getting the SPI communication between the MyriadX and ESP32 working.
To replicate my issue:
- update the bootloader to latest version as of writing (0.0.24)
- run this example code from luxonis repo (https://github.com/luxonis/esp32-spi-message-demo/tree/main/script_node_communication)
- monitor esp32 with
idf.py monitor
Expected result:
- ESP32 sends "Hello" via SPI
- MyriadX receives message and sends "World" as response
Actual result:
- ESP32 sends "Hello" via SPI
- MyriadX doesn't log that it receives the message, and doesn't send "World" back.
Worth noting that I also have tried this code on an IoT-40 and IoT-75 and it works for both.
If anyone has tried this and/or is aware of some simple config that I might be missing and need to change to make it work on the IoT-40 S2 that would be awesome. I have been comparing the schematics with the IoT-40 and am yet to become aware of any relevant differences for the SPI interface.
Schematics for reference:
Many thanks!