• Hardware
  • OAK-D-IoT-40 Series 2 / S2 / Pro SPI communication

Hi All!

Maybe someone in the community has solved the issue I'm having or has some ideas.

I have an IoT-40 S2 camera (https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-hardware/tree/master/NG2092_OAK-D-IoT-40) and am having trouble getting the SPI communication between the MyriadX and ESP32 working.

To replicate my issue:

Expected result:

  • ESP32 sends "Hello" via SPI
  • MyriadX receives message and sends "World" as response

Actual result:

  • ESP32 sends "Hello" via SPI
  • MyriadX doesn't log that it receives the message, and doesn't send "World" back.

Worth noting that I also have tried this code on an IoT-40 and IoT-75 and it works for both.

If anyone has tried this and/or is aware of some simple config that I might be missing and need to change to make it work on the IoT-40 S2 that would be awesome. I have been comparing the schematics with the IoT-40 and am yet to become aware of any relevant differences for the SPI interface.

Schematics for reference:



Many thanks!


2 months later

@julian Check BoardConfig, specifically GPIOs if all are set as required. CS pin and others. It might also be good to quickly scope the lines to see if clock and data are present