Hi, is there any information available for the IMU coordinate for OAK-D Pro W camera? Thanks!

FYI, similar question but for different model. It will be great if there is a similar diagram like this.

    Thanks for sharing @jakaskerl ! I might need more help in getting the the measurement from the schematic(I am not sure which is the IMU too).

    • erik replied to this.

      Hi kaichie , I just synced internally, and we will start flashing rotation/translation to new cameras (from specs) on new batches soon. We will provide translation/rotation asap.

      Thanks, Erik

      Thanks! Got the rotation from the discussion you linked, will be great if you can provide me the translation information too.

      @kaichie translation between IMU and LEFT CCM is X=75.4mm, Y=0.8mm, and Z about 2.5mm (PCB itself is 1.6mm, then silicon of sensor + IMU are a bit away from PCB itself). Note that IMU is on the other side of the PCBA, below the RIGHT CCM. I hope this helps!