
  • 2 days ago
  • Joined Feb 4, 2022
  • 1 best answer
  • @xperroni I see, yes Intel dropped support for VPUs quite some time ago, so we can't support newer versions of openvino. That said, can't you specify onnx operation version when exporting (like here)?

  • Hi @xperroni,

    yes, that's a good question. Tools (our online exporter tailored for YOLO conversion) actually uses a slightly edited Detection head, which removes some of the final processing operations from the original head. That is because these steps are done inside the YoloDetectionNetwork node from DepthAI library, so that is why it didn't work.

    Kind regards,

  • @xperroni it's definately not for every application, and we completely understand that. It can consume up to 25W, so it requires POE+, and in most cases it won't be a peripheral device. That doesn't mean it's not usable though, there are many applications where you need huge compute capabilities and perhaps want to run it at standalone mode (no computer), so added SBC is required.

    We are going to release similar form factor / power consumption / price point devices as well, just not yet (perhaps in late 2025), as we are still deciding on the SoC to use.

    That said, what's the reason for wanting to upgrade from RVC2 line?

    • Hi @xperroni
      I find that lowering the confidence threshold improves this (it does make the depth more scarce, but at least the confidence is higher). Try values like 200 and 100.


      • Hi @xperroni
        I'll have to take a look at that. Will report back when I find a solution.

        Thanks for the patience,

      • Hi @xperroni ,
        We should have further information (public release) in May. It will not use OpenVINO, but we can't yet say the framework (as it correlates with chip used in rvc4).