Thank you for your reply.
I could retrieve he coordinates of the bounding-box (plus depth-information) by using SpatialImgDetections.
Thank you so much!
- Mar 19, 2022
- Joined Mar 3, 2022
- 0 best answers
Thank you for your reply.
I'd like to perform an object-detection and want to share the coordinates of the bounding-box (plus depth-information).
I could perform an object-detection and show the coordinates of the bounding-box (plus depth-information) in display by using
but I could not retrieve the values.
If i retrieve the values, I'll send the values to another raspberrypi by using UDP communications.
Can I retrieve the values by using RGB & MobilenetSSD with spatial data?My UDP communication program is mentioned below.
I could send a sample value by using this program.
So, I send the coordinates of the bounding-box (plus depth-information) by replacing "d" with the values.Hi,
I'm using OAK-D camera.
I'd like to get the coordinates and send the value to another Raspberry Pi.
How can that be achieved?