
  • Apr 5, 2021
  • Joined Mar 4, 2021
  • 0 best answers
  • Solved this. Just created an own calib. File 😉
    but I’m wondering why this file was removed?!

    • I set of a new Ubuntu laptop and wanted to start the demo-examples. But now the default calibration file is missing and the device cannot be initialized.
      I haven´t found a workaround for solving the problem. Is there a solution for this problem?

    • Alright, thanks for your explanation. Yes, it is helpful to me.
      I must learn a lot in machine learning, especially how to use the oak for my projects. It’s pretty hard for a totally newbie 😉

    • Thx for your response.
      yes, i was thinking about converting black/white to rgb.
      actually I’m using a raspberry and a small 10“ mini netbook with the oak. Both computer are too weak for complex projects, so I was thinking about to use the oak for it.

    • Maybe it’s a silly question, but I’m wondering if it’s possible to use the powerful cpu from the oak for photo enhancement.
      Is this somehow possible? I’m actually restoring old black/white photos and would like to use the oak for this.

    • All executions. I was trying to open the demo.py
      This demo runs well on this device attached to a standard display, I get the errors only with the attached 7" display.

      • Oh, thats cool.
        I receive several erros:
        addEvent 264 condition failed:event header
        addEventwithPerf 276 condition failed:event header
        Device get Data failed: 7

        I must say that I´m a pretty newbie in opencv and python. I can´t read these errors properly.

      • Hi there. I have managed it to run the OAK flawlessly with a Raspberry Pi 4. Now, I wanted to use my 7" touch-display, but it seems that the camera stream cannot be displayed on it.
        Is there any workflow to consider? The display also runs well on the Pi…but there´s a problem after starting the demo script from the OAK.