
  • Dec 24, 2024
  • Joined Dec 10, 2024
  • 0 best answers
  • Thank you for your advice.

    I tried your advice, and it didn't seems to help (assuming it was done correctly).
    I also tried running "external" python3.9 with the environment from Slicer, and it worked.
    I also tried running with the bin/PythonSlicer executable (that uses the slicer environment), and it worked.

    I tried running the code in a different process (using multiprocessing) but it looks like slicer does not work with multiprocessing.


  • Hi, thanks for your reply!

    It works using a standalone python 3.9 environment outside of 3D Slicer

    here is the list of packages comparison between the different environments:

    package                    clean version    slicer version
    -------------------------  ---------------  ----------------
    certifi                    2024.8.30        2023.7.22
    charset-normalizer         3.4.0            3.3.0
    idna                       3.10             3.4
    numpy                      2.0.2            1.26.1
    packaging                  24.2             23.2
    pip                        24.2             23.3
    pyparsing                  3.2.0            3.1.1
    python-dateutil            2.9.0.post0      2.8.2
    requests                   2.32.3           2.31.0
    retrying                   1.3.4            1.3.4
    scipy                      1.13.1           1.11.3
    setuptools                 75.1.0           68.2.2
    six                        1.17.0           1.16.0
    typing_extensions          4.12.2           4.8.0
    urllib3                    2.2.3            2.0.6
    wheel                      0.44.0           0.41.2
    ConfigArgParse             1.7              N/A
    Flask                      3.0.3            N/A
    Jinja2                     3.1.4            N/A
    MarkupSafe                 3.0.2            N/A
    PyYAML                     6.0.2            N/A
    Pygments                   2.18.0           N/A
    Werkzeug                   3.0.6            N/A
    addict                     2.4.0            N/A
    asttokens                  3.0.0            N/A
    attrs                      24.2.0           N/A
    blinker                    1.9.0            N/A
    click                      8.1.7            N/A
    comm                       0.2.2            N/A
    contourpy                  1.3.0            N/A
    cycler                     0.12.1           N/A
    dash                       2.18.2           N/A
    dash-core-components       2.0.0            N/A
    dash-html-components       2.0.0            N/A
    dash-table                 5.0.0            N/A
    decorator                  5.1.1            N/A
    exceptiongroup             1.2.2            N/A
    executing                  2.1.0            N/A
    fastjsonschema             2.21.1           N/A
    fonttools                  4.55.3           N/A
    importlib_metadata         8.5.0            N/A
    importlib_resources        6.4.5            N/A
    ipython                    8.18.1           N/A
    ipywidgets                 8.1.5            N/A
    itsdangerous               2.2.0            N/A
    jedi                       0.19.2           N/A
    joblib                     1.4.2            N/A
    jsonschema                 4.23.0           N/A
    jsonschema-specifications  2024.10.1        N/A
    jupyter_core               5.7.2            N/A
    jupyterlab_widgets         3.0.13           N/A
    kiwisolver                 1.4.7            N/A
    matplotlib                 3.9.4            N/A
    matplotlib-inline          0.1.7            N/A
    nbformat                   5.10.4           N/A
    nest-asyncio               1.6.0            N/A
    open3d                     0.18.0           N/A
    opencv-python            N/A
    pandas                     2.2.3            N/A
    parso                      0.8.4            N/A
    pexpect                    4.9.0            N/A
    pillow                     11.0.0           N/A
    platformdirs               4.3.6            N/A
    plotly                     5.24.1           N/A
    prompt_toolkit             3.0.48           N/A
    ptyprocess                 0.7.0            N/A
    pure_eval                  0.2.3            N/A
    pyquaternion               0.9.9            N/A
    pytz                       2024.2           N/A
    referencing                0.35.1           N/A
    rpds-py                    0.22.3           N/A
    scikit-learn               1.6.0            N/A
    stack-data                 0.6.3            N/A
    tenacity                   9.0.0            N/A
    threadpoolctl              3.5.0            N/A
    tqdm                       4.67.1           N/A
    traitlets                  5.14.3           N/A
    tzdata                     2024.2           N/A
    wcwidth                    0.2.13           N/A
    widgetsnbextension         4.0.13           N/A
    zipp                       3.21.0           N/A
    CouchDB                    N/A              1.2
    Deprecated                 N/A              1.2.14
    GitPython                  N/A              3.1.37
    Pillow                     N/A              10.1.0
    PyGithub                   N/A              2.1.1
    PyJWT                      N/A              2.8.0
    PyNaCl                     N/A              1.5.0
    SimpleITK                  N/A              2.2.1rc2.dev4
    cffi                       N/A              1.16.0
    chardet                    N/A              5.2.0
    cryptography               N/A              41.0.4
    debugpy                    N/A              1.8.9
    dicomweb-client            N/A              0.59.1
    gitdb                      N/A              4.0.10
    pycparser                  N/A              2.21
    pydicom                    N/A              2.4.3
    smmap                      N/A              5.0.1
    vtk                        N/A              9.2.20230607
    wrapt                      N/A              1.15.0
  • Hi,

    I have a simple code that creates a pipeline that captures both L+R mono images and the disparity map, using OAK-D SR module.
    This code works perfectly when running from python3.10 environment (Distro: Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia base: Ubuntu 22.04 jammy).
    When I am running the code within 3D slicer scripted module environment (python 3.9), the same pipeline is stuck in the creation (dai.Device(pipeline)).

    This is the debug dump I get when there is a successful run:

    [2024-12-12 22:18:15.973] [depthai] [debug] Python bindings - version: from build: 2024-11-24 09:54:26 +0000

    [2024-12-12 22:18:15.973] [depthai] [debug] Library information - version: 2.29.0, commit: d6a37a5ba8ba2ee187fabc9208b813db5f75d4a7 from 2024-11-22 15:48:55 +0100, build: 2024-11-24 09:39:00 +0000, libusb enabled: true

    [2024-12-12 22:18:15.978] [depthai] [debug] Initialize - finished

    [2024-12-12 22:18:16.094] [depthai] [debug] Resources - Archive 'depthai-bootloader-fwp-0.0.28.tar.xz' open: 3ms, archive read: 116ms

    [2024-12-12 22:18:16.643] [depthai] [debug] Resources - Archive 'depthai-device-fwp-4d360b5c56225f23e9a3d3a3999ce46c90cfdeaf.tar.xz' open: 2ms, archive read: 666ms

    /home/ajax/dev/cflow/cflow_slicer_ext/cflow_pc/point_cloud/test_camera_depth_post_processing.py:43: DeprecationWarning: HIGH_DENSITY is deprecated, will be removed in future releases and replaced with DEFAULT.


    [2024-12-12 22:18:20.538] [host] [debug] Device - OpenVINO version: universal

    [14442C101130B1D200] [3.2] [1734034700.538] [host] [debug] Device - BoardConfig: {"camera":[],"emmc":null,"gpio":[],"imu":null,"logDevicePrints":null,"logPath":null,"logSizeMax":null,"logVerbosity":null,"network":{"mtu":0,"xlinkTcpNoDelay":true},"nonExclusiveMode":false,"pcieInternalClock":null,"sysctl":[],"uart":[],"usb":{"flashBootedPid":63037,"flashBootedVid":999,"manufacturer":"","maxSpeed":4,"pid":63035,"productName":"","vid":999},"usb3PhyInternalClock":null,"uvc":null,"watchdogInitialDelayMs":null,"watchdogTimeoutMs":null}


    0000: b9 12 b9 07 81 e7 03 81 3b f6 81 e7 03 81 3d f6 04 bd 00 bd 00 b9 02 00 01 ba 00 be be bb 00 bb

    0020: 00 be be be be be be be 00 bb 00 be be

    [2024-12-12 22:18:21.508] [depthai] [debug] Searching for booted device: DeviceInfo(name=3.2, mxid=14442C101130B1D200, X_LINK_BOOTED, X_LINK_USB_VSC, X_LINK_MYRIAD_X, X_LINK_SUCCESS), name used as hint only

    [14442C101130B1D200] [3.2] [1.270] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 0.12 / 333.26 MiB, CMX: 2.04 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 7.50 / 81.70 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 2.89 / 39.87 MiB / NOC ddr: 25 MB/s

    [14442C101130B1D200] [3.2] [1.270] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 31.22C, CSS: 32.73C, MSS 30.56C, UPA: 30.56C, DSS: 31.04C

    When Running within the 3D slicer, I get the following debug dump:

    [2024-12-12 22:29:03.376] [depthai] [debug] Python bindings - version: from build: 2024-11-24 09:50:04 +0000

    [2024-12-12 22:29:03.376] [depthai] [debug] Library information - version: 2.29.0, commit: d6a37a5ba8ba2ee187fabc9208b813db5f75d4a7 from 2024-11-22 15:48:55 +0100, build: 2024-11-24 09:39:00 +0000, libusb enabled: true

    [2024-12-12 22:29:03.380] [depthai] [debug] Initialize - finished

    [2024-12-12 22:29:17.994] [host] [debug] Device - OpenVINO version: universal

    [14442C101130B1D200] [3.2] [1734035357.995] [host] [debug] Device - BoardConfig: {"camera":[],"emmc":null,"gpio":[],"imu":null,"logDevicePrints":null,"logPath":null,"logSizeMax":null,"logVerbosity":null,"network":{"mtu":0,"xlinkTcpNoDelay":true},"nonExclusiveMode":false,"pcieInternalClock":null,"sysctl":[],"uart":[],"usb":{"flashBootedPid":63037,"flashBootedVid":999,"manufacturer":"","maxSpeed":4,"pid":63035,"productName":"","vid":999},"usb3PhyInternalClock":null,"uvc":null,"watchdogInitialDelayMs":null,"watchdogTimeoutMs":null}


    0000: b9 12 b9 07 81 e7 03 81 3b f6 81 e7 03 81 3d f6 04 bd 00 bd 00 b9 02 00 01 ba 00 be be bb 00 bb

    0020: 00 be be be be be be be 00 bb 00 be be

    The sample code is below (stuck on the last line):

            # Closer-in minimum depth, disparity range is doubled (from 95 to 190):
            extended_disparity = False
            # Better accuracy for longer distance, fractional disparity 32-levels:
            subpixel = False
            # Better handling for occlusions:
            lr_check = False
            # Create pipeline
            pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
            # Define sources and outputs
            monoLeft = pipeline.create(dai.node.MonoCamera)
            monoRight = pipeline.create(dai.node.MonoCamera)
            depth = pipeline.create(dai.node.StereoDepth)
            xout = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
            sync = pipeline.create(dai.node.Sync)
            xout_01 = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
            # Properties
            # Create a node that will produce the depth map (using disparity output as it's easier to visualize depth this way)
            config = depth.initialConfig.get()
            config.postProcessing.median = dai.MedianFilter.KERNEL_7x7
            config.postProcessing.speckleFilter.enable = True
            config.postProcessing.speckleFilter.speckleRange = 10
            config.postProcessing.temporalFilter.enable = False
            config.postProcessing.spatialFilter.enable = True
            config.postProcessing.spatialFilter.holeFillingRadius = 20
            config.postProcessing.spatialFilter.numIterations = 1
            config.postProcessing.thresholdFilter.minRange = 0
            config.postProcessing.thresholdFilter.maxRange = 10000
            config.postProcessing.decimationFilter.decimationFactor = 1
            # Linking
            # Connect to device and start pipeline
            with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:

    Thank you for your help.