- Apr 25, 2022
- Joined Apr 17, 2022
- 0 best answers
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I am trying to get the output of the aligned RGB+Depth from OAK-D lite using the following interface:
https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-core/blob/main/examples/StereoDepth/rgb_depth_aligned.cppI see that the device isn't responding to setting manual focus nor IspScale
if(downscaleColor) camRgb->setIspScale(2, 3); // For now, RGB needs fixed focus to properly align with depth. // This value was used during calibration camRgb->initialControl.setManualFocus(135);
Does anyone know whether these features are supported on the OAK-D lite?
What's the correct way of outputting the aligned image on OAK-D lite without recalibrating the unit?Thx!