
  • Jul 7, 2022
  • Joined Jun 28, 2022
  • 0 best answers
  • I wonder if this might be the problem:

    I'd really like to try this DEPTHAI_WATCHDOG=0 feature, but I don't see the develop_embedded branch you mentioned. I see a connect_timeout_override branch where @alex-luxonis is working on WATCHDOG things. Is that branch usable for disabling the watchdog timeout? If so, how can it be used?

    • erik replied to this.
    • Any suggestions? I have power cycled the camera twice now.

    • However, the code (C++ or Python) is no longer able to find the camera. I can ping the camera, but

      the following line of code no longer finds the camera
      std::vector<dai:😃eviceInfo> vDeviceInfo = dai::XLinkConnection::getAllConnectedDevices();

    • I have been working today with the files you pointed me at. I am further along. I was missing file libusb-1.0d.dll even though I am connecting via LAN and not USB.

    • Hello,

      I am trying to get the C++ DepthAI code examples up and running in Microsoft Visual Studio on my Windows 10 PC. The Python examples ran without a hitch, but we also code in the C++ world. Right now I can't get past the very first line of code:
      dai:😛ipeline pipeline;
      I've spent two days trying all of the tricks I can think of and always end up with "Couldn't initialize XLink: X_LINK_ERROR". I am trying to connect to the OAK camera via LAN. Any help or sample Visual Studio Poject/Solution files would be appreciated to help get me off of the ground.

      Thank you,

      Mark Miller