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Hi, the issue I have is that I want to use my OAK-D Camera as a webcam but with a vertical output. I have this pipeline
pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
cam_rgb = pipeline.createColorCamera()
cam_rgb.initialControl.setManualExposure(settings['exposure'], settings['iso'])
cam_rgb.setVideoSize(settings['windowwidth'], settings['windowheight'])
uvc = pipeline.createUVC()
config = dai.Device.Config()
config.board.uvc = dai.BoardConfig.UVC(settings['windowwidth'], settings['windowheight'])
config.board.uvc.frameType = dai.ImgFrame.Type.NV12
return pipeline
Here if I set the video size (or even preview size) and the Board Config with a width of 1920 and height of 1080 and a THE*_1080_P* resolution, it actually works. The problem is that I want to have a 1080x1920 video size (vertical output), when I make this change there's no traceback error, it actually works and even Luxonis UVC Camera appears, but it disappears immediately and it basically keeps on the while loop,(something that do NOT occurs when I set the 1920x1080 size).
Some other alternative that I found is that, if I set THE*_4_K* resolution and then I set the board config and the video size with a 1080x1920 I actually got the vertical output but cropped, which is not what I want.
And finally, if I just set the resolution of 1080p and set the Board Config with 1080x1920 instead of 1920x1080, I actually got the vertical output that I'm looking for but got this weird thing:
I also need to say that I had tried using ImageManip method to obtain the vertical output that I want, but when I make this the camera also generates the Luxonis UVC Camera module but the camera never open the image actually.
I will be grateful with any kind of recommendation and help.