How to apply CLAHE (Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization) to become the input frame for a YOLO network?

- 18 Jan
- Joined Aug 29, 2022
- 0 best answers
- In YOLO11
How can we do image enhancement first before the frame is processed, for example using YOLO on an OAK-D camera?
- In YOLO11
it's saved me a lot!, tks
I tried to convert YOLOV5 training results to Blob and it worked. But when I apply to device-decoding ( an error occurs
"[14442C10C1FA3BD400] [1.1] [973.371] [DetectionNetwork (1)] [error] Mask is not defined for output layer with width '8'. Define at pipeline build time using: 'setAnchorMasks' for 'side8'."
I am using 3 classes, input image 416 and I have adjusted it with JSON file.can anyone help me solve this problem?