
  • May 25, 2024
  • Joined Oct 24, 2023
  • 0 best answers
  • jakaskerl

    Hmm, I have not tried that yet. Can you point me to some example of increasing the brightness. Even better solution would be to calibrate the camera with when running the blobs if that is possible. Happy to set the brightness manually to see if that does the trick.

    • Erik should I interpret that as a yes or a no?

      • erik

        If I understand you correctly, sounds like I should have a blocking queue before the NN and forward the frame to the host if the the NN is busy processing. I assume the logic for this will have to be on the script unless there is a native mechanism to do this. Rather than pepper you will questions, do you have an example you could point me to? Either way appreciate your response.

      • erik

        Per documentation on, the frame rate of lite model runs at 22 FPS with xyz enabled. With that limitation in mind, two questions for you ….

        1. If I setup another parallel pipeline that does nothing but forward frames to host, runs side by side to whats there currently, has no NN processing on that lane, would I be able to get a higher frame rates to the host from the new pipeline?
        2. Would the the additional pipeline have a negative effect on the current NN and reduce the frame rate?

        I think you may be able to see where I am trying to go with this. If we are limited to 22 FPS, I am wondering if I can use the landmarks to estimate where things are located on the raw source. I would be thrilled if I can get 40 FPS on the raw pipeline with the landmarks running at 22 ish giving me just one frame I would have to estimate on (assuming I can correlate images).

        Is that possible?


        • erik replied to this.