Are there any examples with RVC3 or RVC2 where the .blob file converted from the tflite model gives me depth image?
- Sep 19, 2024
- Joined Aug 25, 2023
- 0 best answers
jakaskerl Actually specifying the nn_type doesn't work, here are screenshots and the code I wrote to include my model
The first example here is when I include my json file and the oak downloads the model:
nn = oak.create_nn('/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/depthai_sdk/nn_models/yolov8n_coco_640x352/config.json', color, tracker=True, spatial=True)
See how the network is able to get the messages:
This example below is when I included the line to include my blob file, I tried including both my own 5 shave compiled file and the one that was downloaded by the oak api (which was 6 shave by default), it printed nothing in the message:
#nn = oak.create_nn('/home/pi/Roving-Comforter/yolov8n_coco_640x352_openvino_2022.1_6shave.blob', color, nn_type='yolo', tracker=True, spatial=True)
Here as you can see it prints an empty message and hence any code further than that isnt executed
jakaskerl So I would need to specify nn_type=yolo and in the documentation it says "on-device NN result decoding" What does that mean?
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jakaskerl Hi I am also facing the same issue, I made the yolov8 blob and when I try to import it using oak.create_nn() it gives me this error
My version of depth ai SDK
pi@luxonis:~/Roving-Comforter $ pip show depthai-sdk Name: depthai-sdk Version: 1.12.1 Summary: This package provides an abstraction of the DepthAI API library. Home-page: Author: Luxonis Author-email: License: MIT Location: /home/pi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages Requires: blobconverter, depthai, depthai-pipeline-graph, marshmallow, numpy, opencv-contrib-python, pytube, PyTurboJPEG, sentry-sdk, xmltodict Required-by: pi@luxonis:~/Roving-Comforter $
[2024-04-22 21:48:17] INFO [root.__init__:147] Setting IR laser dot projector brightness to 800mA [2024-04-22 21:48:17] INFO [root.__exit__:408] Closing OAK camera Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/Roving-Comforter/", line 132, in <module> nn = oak.create_nn('/home/pi/Roving-Comforter/yolov8n_coco_640x352_openvino_2022.1_6shave.blob', color, tracker=True, spatial=True) File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/depthai_sdk/", line 253, in create_nn comp = NNComponent(self._oak.device, File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/depthai_sdk/components/", line 215, in __init__ AttributeError: 'depthai.node.NeuralNetwork' object has no attribute 'inputDepth' Sentry is attempting to send 2 pending error messages Waiting up to 2 seconds Press Ctrl-C to quit
@jakaskerl when I try to run this with my own model it throws this error
pi@luxonis:~/Roving-Comforter $ python3
Switch ON Detected
[2024-04-22 21:33:43] INFO [root.init:147] Setting IR laser dot projector brightness to 800mA
[2024-04-22 21:33:43] INFO [root.exit:408] Closing OAK camera
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/Roving-Comforter/", line 132, in <module>
nn = oak.create_nn('/home/pi/Roving-Comforter/yolov8n_coco_640x352.blob', color, tracker=True, spatial=True)
File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/depthai_sdk/", line 253, in create_nn
comp = NNComponent(self._oak.device,
File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/depthai_sdk/components/", line 215, in init
AttributeError: 'depthai.node.NeuralNetwork' object has no attribute 'inputDepth'
Sentry is attempting to send 2 pending error messages
Waiting up to 2 seconds
Press Ctrl-C to quit
Hi is the Y adapter available at other places, we need it urgently and it says it will be available early March 2024, is there some way to make it on our own?
jakaskerl version details of sdk
pi@luxonis:~/latest code $ pip show depthai-sdk
Name: depthai-sdk
Version: 1.12.1
Summary: This package provides an abstraction of the DepthAI API library.
Home-page: luxonis/depthaitree/main/depthai_sdk
Author: Luxonis
License: MIT
Location: /home/pi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages
Editable project location: /home/pi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages
Requires: blobconverter, depthai, depthai-pipeline-graph, marshmallow, numpy, opencv-contrib-python, pytube, PyTurboJPEG, sentry-sdk, xmltodict
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@jakaskerl I see the below thing when I do echo $DISPLAY
Edit: When I run an example depth ai python code it works, in my code it is not working, what could be the issue?
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jakaskerl I will check that out and send back the output of echo $DISPLAY
What I wanted to say was I get the object positions while running the above code, only open cv window doesn't open.
This only happens in VNC mode, when I connect a separate physical monitor to the pi directly the opencv window works
Hi I am using vnc viewer to run the following code but the camera view isn't streaming is there a way to adjust this?
#!/usr/bin/python3 from depthai_sdk import OakCamera import depthai as dai from depthai_sdk.classes import * import cv2 as cv def cb2 (packet: TrackerPacket): visualizer = packet.visualizer visualizer.draw(packet.frame) tframe = cv.resize(packet.frame,(720,480)) cv.imshow(, tframe) message = packet.detections z_disp = (4.547 *25.4)/1000 #t_vect = np.array([[0],[0],[0],[1]]) #H_mat = np.concatenate((rotation_x,t_vect),axis = 1) for m in message: x_obj, y_obj, z_obj = m.tracklet.spatialCoordinates.x, m.tracklet.spatialCoordinates.y, m.tracklet.spatialCoordinates.z #t_camera = np.array([[x_obj],[y_obj],[z_obj],[1]]) #t_rotated = H_mat @ t_camera #print("x = ", t_rotated[0][0],"y = ", t_rotated[1][0],"z = ", t_rotated[2][0]) #t_rotated_ = rotation_matrix @ t_rotated #x, y, z = t_rotated_[0][0], t_rotated_[1][0], t_rotated_[2][0] #print("x = ", x_obj,"y = ", y_obj,"z = ", z_obj,"frame shape=",packet.frame.shape) yaw = np.degrees(np.arctan2(x_obj , z_obj)) pitch = np.degrees(np.arctan2(y_obj+z_disp,np.sqrt(x_obj**2 + z_obj**2))) print("yaw = ", yaw, "pitch = ", pitch) dutycycle_yaw = (-555.5333)*yaw + 71666.66667 dutycycle_pitch = 71666.67 + 1083.33 * pitch with OakCamera() as oak: color = oak.create_camera('color') # List of models that are supported out-of-the-box by the SDK: # nn = oak.create_nn('yolov8n_coco_640x352', color, tracker=True, spatial=True) nn.config_nn(resize_mode='stretch') nn.config_tracker( tracker_type=dai.TrackerType.ZERO_TERM_COLOR_HISTOGRAM, track_labels=[0], # Track only 1st object from the object map. If unspecified, track all object types # track_labels=['person'] # Track only people (for coco datasets, person is 1st object in the map) assignment_policy=dai.TrackerIdAssignmentPolicy.SMALLEST_ID, max_obj=1, # Max objects to track, which can improve performance threshold=0.1 # Tracker threshold ) nn.config_spatial( bb_scale_factor=0.3, # Scaling bounding box before averaging the depth in that ROI lower_threshold=500, # Discard depth points below 30cm upper_threshold=8000, # Discard depth pints above 10m # Average depth points before calculating X and Y spatial coordinates: calc_algo=dai.SpatialLocationCalculatorAlgorithm.AVERAGE ) #oak.visualize([nn.out.tracker], fps=True) #pi.hardware_PWM(20,50,int(71666.66667)) oak.visualize ([nn.out.tracker], callback=cb2) #oak.visualize([nn.out.spatials], fps=True) #oak.callback([nn.out.spatials], callback=cb) #oak.visualize(nn.out.passthrough) oak.start(blocking=True)
jakaskerl I used the following settings to convert the yolov8n model, is it correct for the luxonis oak-d pro SOM,
Step 1 Select the versions:
Step2: Select the model and no. of shaves and convert
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Whenever I run a script Luxonis tries to download a blob file from somewhere. Now the device I have might not have Internet connection, is there a way to download the yolov8ncoco640352 blob file. Then I can mention the path of the file when I create the nn in oak.create_nn() method
Hi I have a stereo pair of OV7251 cameras and a Nvidia jetson, I want to run depth ai on the nvidia jetson, is there a way to use it with this hardware combination or do I need the luxonis modules?
jakaskerl Thank you can you also please help me with the coordinate system for the depth and rgb frames. Usually it z pointing out of the lens and x and y are in some suitable orientation
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jakaskerl Actually it doesn't get picked up, I don't know why I will definitely check out the path which you wrote above in the RPI File system.
About the callback, wouldn't I need callbacks to extrack x,y,z coordinates. Also I had remove the oak.visualize() functions earlier and it didn't give me the error but it doesn't print the x,y,z outputs too
I commented those visualizer lines
Edit: Ok it worked ignore the things above, I removed the visualizer lines and the spatialmappingbb callback and I am just using the tracker callback. I still have a question, if i still want to visualise the depth data how can I do that? Also what is the coordinate system orientation of the depth frame and rgb frame. (like z axis coming out of the lens, x on the left and y pointing up)
jakaskerl Can you tell me how to do the download step? Do I need to download it from yolov8n documentation and place it in the directory where the code is? Or I know that sdk converts model files into blob files so if there is a way to download the blob from somewhere?
jakaskerl Also there is one more issue, If I try using two callback functions one for viewing the tracker output using TrackerPacket and one for the spatial locations x,y,z using SpatialMappingBbPacket, it gives me an error. So to debug this I removed the SpatialMappingBbPacket Callback function and tried getting the x,y,z from tracker and viewing the frame output using opencv but it still gives me the same error. I checked the forum, I didn't find similar issues, Can you help debugging it?
Photo of error
The depth sdk everytime tries to connect to the internet and download the yolov8n blob model, Is there a way to store it on device and use that? I am using a raspberry pi and it is tedious to connect it to the internet again and again
jakaskerl In my code I did use Spatial tracking feature, Wouldn't the spatialmapping packet have good results?
jakaskerl there are two detection api packets, SpatialMappingBbpacket and TrackerPacket, which of the x,y,z are more accurate or have optimal estimates from the kalman filter?