
We are using OAK-D-Pro W(with OV9782) and hoping to check ing resources usage and working temperature during the run-time. Could you guid us to get this information during the run-time?

And we have some heating issue (very hot during the run-time). So we hope to customize its our code to mitigate this issues. Please gave us any guide and solution to overcome it.

Best regards,

  • erik replied to this.

    Hi RyanLee ,
    You can either use SystemInformation (example here), or query system information using depthai.Device object;

    with dai.Device() as device:
       # and other getters for specific core

    Regarding temperature; RVC's temperature can go up to 105deg celsius, and will shutdown if it gets too hot to cause issue to the chip itself ( see docs here).
    Thanks, Erik

      Hi Erik erik

      How about reducing the current for IR and dot projector to mitigate its issue when it is not necceary with full power current? does it resonable for us? if so, please guide us how to reduce its current to customizing our system.

      Best regards,

      Hi erik

      I will use below code to adjust its power consumtion to control its temperature.

      device.setIrLaserDotProjectorBrightness(100) # in mA, 0..1200
      device.setIrFloodLightBrightness(0) # in mA, 0..1500

      Please check it out once more whether it is meaningful or not.

      Best regards,

      • erik replied to this.

        Hi RyanLee ,
        Yes LED and projector are a source of heating, and the lines below are correct. How much this will affect the final heat produced depends on several factors though, so it would be easiest to test it.
        Thanks, Erik