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  • OCR performance with a conveyor belt.

Hi RyanLee ,
It would be best to try it out. IMX378 does provide better resolution, which could help with the OCR (I'm not sure how much resolution you would need at 1.3m), but the OV9782 is global shutter, which might lead to images not being warped a bit. We have OCR example here. So in general, I would try both, and provide feedback so we can suggest improvements. I would also suggest having a bright light source on top of these boxes, so exposure times will be lower, leading to less blurry images. Thoughts?
Thanks, Erik

    Hi erik

    Could you explain some more detail about below sentence? what looks like and side effect for OCR function?
    " but the OV9782 is global shutter, which might lead to images not being warped a bit."

    Best regards,

    • erik replied to this.

      Hi RyanLee ,
      See the effect of moving object when using rolling shutter camera:
      With global shutter, we don't have this warp effect (we still have motion blur at long exposures though).
      Thanks, Erik


        Hi Erik, Thank you for your information.
        We have one more question. we are considering using your OAK-D-Pro W(global shutter, OV9782). Could we change its focusing distance after we received from you? or Can we ask you its customerized focusing distance if we need? We would like to have its best auto focusing performance as much as we can. And we hope to know the best way of focusing for moving objects (boxes) and its size will be diffent as well.

        Best regards,

        • erik replied to this.

          Hi RyanLee ,
          No, CCMs lens are glued in place, so you would likely break the lens before being able to move it. Yes, for larger batches we can customize CCMs, please send email to sales@luxonis.com. Note that these are fixed focus, not auto-focus.
          Thanks, Erik

            Hi erik

            I hope to cross-check one more. Ok we got the hardware point of view and we have one more queston with software point of view. are there any way to change its focus using software? runtime or during the boot?

            Best regards,

            • erik replied to this.

              Hi RyanLee ,
              Yes, if the camera is AutoFocus you can change the focus either in runtime (demo here) or during the boot;

              camRgb = pipeline.createColorCamera()
              camRgb.initialControl.setManualFocus(123) # 0..255

              Thanks, Erik

                erik That mean that it is not possible to change its focus with OAK-D-Pro W(OV9782). Because it is fixed focus. Am I right? I just hope to cross-check about it once more.

                Best regards,

                • erik replied to this.


                  Just wanted to say hi. It was pretty cool seeing the Korean waybill in this forum. Seems Luxonis camera is already going global haha.

                    GeonsooKim I think so. it is already globa. Would you mind asking you which application you are in now? Anyway nice to meet you.

                    Best regards,


                      Are you in the Discord channel? We can talk through DM in Discord. miknai is my user name.
