Hi erik ,
Inference on VPU Movidius MyriadX.
Below is the result obtained by Benchmark_app.exe.
Loading the model to the device
Load network took 1771.79 ms
Setting optimal runtime parameters
Device: MYRIAD
{ NETWORK_NAME , torch-jit-export }
{ DEVICE_THERMAL , 34.6395 }
Creating infer requests and preparing input blobs with data
No input files were given: all inputs will be filled with random values!
Test Config 0
image ([N,C,H,W], u8, {1, 3, 128, 128}, static): random (image is expected)
Measuring performance (Start inference asynchronously, 4 inference requests, limits: 60000 ms duration)
Input blobs will be filled once before performance measurements.
First inference took 12.21 ms
I have referenced the relevant literature (some docs here), since I did not export the image to my computer, should the file be of no reference value to me?
To verify whether the NN runs on the OAK cam, we conduct relevant tests in this part.
For example: Execute the program on the Raspberry Pi or NB, and the result is that the data can be output every 16ms.