Let's assume that I have 800 Mbps (1000 Mbps - protocol overhead) Ethernet connection to my oak-d-pro-poe. I would like to calculate the required bandwidth for each image message when it travels from the device to host PC.

Case 1: streaming LEFT mono images (1280×800)
=> Required bandwidth is 8 Mbit => (1280x800 (wxh) * 1 (each pixel) * 8 (bit/byte) * 1 (number of frame) = 8,192,000)

Case 2: streaming 4K color images (3840x2160)
=>Required bandwidth is 66 Mbit => (3840x2160 (wxh) * 3 (each pixel) * 8 (bit/byte) * 1 (number of frame) = 66,355,200)


  1. Is the calculation correct? If not, which factors am I missing?
  2. How can I calculate FPS from the info? What info do I need to know more? CPU speed?
  • erik replied to this.

    Hi GeonsooKim ,

    1. The calculation for 4K is incorrect, should be 200MB (not 66MB) if you are streaming RGB (ColorCamera.preview). But you can also stream in YUV420/NV12 (ColorCamera.video or .isp) which is 1.5 bytes per pixel, so 100MB.
    2. So now that you have size for one frame, you can calculate how many frames can you send in each second. Answer: 100 FPS for mono frame, 8 FPS for color NV12/YUV420 4k frame. That's purely theoretical, and OAK might not be able to achieve it.

    Thanks, Erik